Month: November 2010

Post-anniversary date

Wow, I can’t believe it. We actually “dated” again after two months!

Except, of course, there’s someone who wanted to join in.

Yup, she will be with Mommy all the time

So off we went to eat buffet at Dad’s Glorietta a day after our wedding anniversary. We heard mass the night before at the church where we got married. Since we don’t have a “yaya,” we need to plan on how to eat buffet while taking care of the little one.

I gave Aria full feeding before leaving home, just to be sure she won’t ask for food while we were eating. My husband and I took turns on getting food and looking after the baby, who was just sitting in her stroller after a nap while in the cab.

This was his only reason for eating here
We can never eat at the same time while at home. Now is our one chance to do so

She did ask for food, however, when we were finished eating (good girl!). Of course, I came prepared.

We nurse everywhere - even in the cab

It was also our first time to use the changing station to change her diaper. My, I never imagined I’d use one!

Then it’s off to the baby section to buy her some clothes. She is getting bigger, so we needed to update her wardrobe. And yes, we nursed again after shopping! The mall’s breastfeeding station is located at the fourth floor, so, the salesladies gladly offered us a small corner and a chair because Aria was crying for food already.

It was a tiring but fun day for the Schatzifamily. And this anniversary is extra special because we have our little angel, Aria, to celebrate it with us. Here’s to more anniversaries!


– Touringkitty

Two years of married bliss

Dear Schatzidaddy,

Happy Second Anniversary! Since I wasn’t able to buy you a card, let this post tell you how happy I am today.

This day, two years ago, we woke up early and got married. This day, last year, we woke up early again (should I say, we did not sleep) to catch an early morning flight to Hong Kong. Today, we woke up a few times during the night and early morning, this time to change diapers and feed the little one.

Time flew so fast.

I am happy because I wake up each day seeing you and Aria. Though the past two months gave us sleepless nights, droopy eyes, and aching bodies, it also gave us loads of patience and sacrifice. We are newbies in this career. And we have to admit, nothing beats the reward Aria gives us – that toothless but charming smile.

I am happy because you have been a good provider. I know how hard it is for you now that I assume the role of a full-time mom. We are just so blessed because God never left our side. Let’s just keep trusting His ways.

I am happy because you love your family and mine. You also never fail to share what you have and know to other people. Soon, our daughter will make music with us, or probably she will be your uke. I know you can’t wait for that to happen.

It has been a good two years so far. We’ve traveled, sang, laughed together. Now we work together to become good parents to our firstborn.

I shall never cease to praise and thank Him for this gift of marriage and family. I love you and Aria very much. You both inspire me to be a better wife and mother.


Schatzisupermommy 🙂

Confessions of an Amateur Mom

It has been two months since I became a mother. It all came suddenly, as she came out two weeks ahead of schedule.

I did not want to admit this at first. But yes, I am having postpartum depression.

What I thought was just baby blues at first blew into hours and days of sudden crying, missing the busy life I had before pregnancy, and feeling sad being a captive of the condo unit and of my daughter. I don’t know how to take care of this newborn. Giving her a bath was scary. Breastfeeding my daughter became a 24 hour job. Carrying her tiny body was like carrying a priceless crystal glass you’d never want to break.

My then operatic repertoire was overtaken by endless nursery rhymes, Brahms’ Wiegenlied, and funny silly rhymes I can’t imagine I have composed just to make her calm and sleep. It’s as if I can’t do anything else except attend to her needs. I felt can’t even eat, take a bath, dress up, or pee. I’d just look at the clock and let time pass, only to find out that another day is coming ahead. It even came to a point that I feel my husband is not supporting me at all. Of course, he must work.

If only I could go out and bring my baby along, though it’s a tad too early for the little one. I turned down a lot of work already and it saddens me. I only attended one Mass in two months (thanks to television masses I’ve caught up on other Sundays). I fear that I will not be able to get back to the career I was just trying to build.

Simply put, I don’t know how to become a mother.

But I love Aria. She is a joy to watch. She is like a little girl who seems to want to talk already, very attentive and smart, and she rewards you with a sweet smile. She may cry loud at times and hushing her down seems to be a challenge. But I’m up for it, especially when I’m singing for her. Most of all, she’s the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. And we’re blessed that she came out normal and healthy.

There. I’ve let it all out. Now, time to smile and become a mom.