Very first attempt: she liked it!

Since there is no 31st of the month, I now declare Aria is six months today! Therefore, it’s time to start her on foods other than my breast milk.

I decided to start her with rice porridge. We had the rice ground in powder form and cooked a little just for her to taste. She took three teaspoons of it and didn’t want to stop!

She's too excited that she wants to hold the spoon by herself

We also tried giving her water to wash off the porridge. She didn’t like it that much, so I gave her breast milk again. And while we’re having lunch, I tried giving her two drops of sinigang soup with my finger. She liked it as well.

The bare necessities: Soft spoon, bowl with cover, and feeding cup with spout

I also tried giving her milk in the cup. She did not like it. Nothing beats Mommy’s breast, I guess. But she has to learn drinking from it eventually.

Posing for the camera. She only played with the spout and the milk splattered all over her chin

We’ll try the rice porridge twice a day for a month, and increase the servings gradually. We’ll also add other veggies and fruits next week. I will try not to succumb to that cereal box and bottled fruit purees.

Weaning the baby into solids is a challenge. This is a good start to introducing you baby into food other than human milk.

– Touringkitty