Month: June 2012

How I dropped the pump

                           Breast friend indeed

For the past month, I have totally given up pumping milk for Aria. Not even an ounce of breastmilk can be found in my fridge. I have donated all the frozen milk left as well.

No, I have not yet given up breastfeeding yet. I just dropped the twice daily pump I’ve been religiously doing for the past year and a half. Luckily for me and for Aria that I can go home for lunch to have her nurse. And when she’s asleep, that’s the only time I pump, which has not happened for the past month.

Aria gets to enjoy all the breast milk she wants when we’re together. And when we’re not, she takes fresh milk, and all the yummy food she sees. She’s a happy eater, knowing what to appreciate, what not to eat (she isn’t a fan of chocolates and sodas, even sweet juices, thankfully!), but she so loves yogurt, eggs, bread, fresh fruits like apples, bananas, papaya, veggies, chicken. She drinks a lot of water, as well as yogurt drinks and fresh milk in brick packs.

She isn’t showing any signs of weaning, though. She stays as much on my breast as she can. And has now added some more tricks while breastfeeding. More on that on another post.

But I’m prepared to pump, still, if ever we’ll be separated for more than seven hours. That was my limit back then, and am still setting the same limit if it happens. There were days that she wasn’t able to nurse at all for 12 hours because of work, but I make sure of my schedule ahead of time so I could leave her some while I’m away.

I was supposed to pack away completely my pump kit, but decided not to, maybe for another year. It’s just on standby on a plastic box if ever the need to use it arises.

Who helped me in pumping? My Pigeon Manual Breast Pump, which was a gift from my husband’s officemates for my baby shower two years ago. It was the most used item on my newborn essentials, I must say.

I borrowed a Medela single electric pump from a friend, but found the manual more effective in draining my breast. More hard work but better performance. Besides, the electric pump is noisy and I can’t use it when Aria’s sleeping. 

So here’s a tribute to my dear pump, who has served me long and well. I know I’ll use you again, like tomorrow, when I have to stay longer at work, have planned to pump and have the milk picked up for dear daughter.


~ Touringkitty

Homeschool, sweet homeschool!

It’s June once again, and I bet most of our parents who have schoolchildren have been working doubly hard in preparation for their kids’ school. I think kids should prepare, too, by setting their body clocks to usual school mode, and the usual school routine, especially the first-timers.

Have you heard about Singapore Math and Science? I heard some schools are already adapting this method. Hmmm makes me wonder what method will be taught when Aria is in school.

As you have read in my previous post, we didn’t push through with toddler school. I know, it’s not that expensive and just a hop away from home, but Aria might not be prepared for it. Besides, toddler school is just my excuse for taking away Aria from home. She has 24/7 access to TV, DVDs, iPad, and internet at home. She does have playmates on the condo playground but she could be really makulit especially when she’s sleepy.

To make up for the supposed two hours three times a week toddler school schedule, we make each day spent with Aria a learning experience. Thus, the Schatzi Homeschool is born!

We bought additional iPad applications like Little Reader and Little Math (, bought books, toys, musical instruments, DVDs. We repeatedly sang songs, danced with her, recited the alphabet and counted to twenty. She’s got an amazing memory, anticipating the next story sequence or reciting her flash cards and repeating what she hears.

So far, at 21 months, here’s what Aria can do:

Language: simple two-word phrases of instructions like Mommy, drink/eat/dede/sleep/watch, Open please, Sit down, Let’s go, Come. Says her name as Ananee Acantara (sometimes raising her hand then says Prishent! – just like in the TVC), completed the alphabet and words that start with those letters. Here’s the alphabet song which she memorized in a few days:
What’s amazing with Aria is you have to catch a perfect timing for her to learn new things. Like recently, we were able to teach her opposites like up and down, small and big, in and out.

Numbers: counts to ten very clearly, tries to hold up fingers in twos or threes, counts 11-30 but skipping, she can count five to one and says “blastoff,” just like the Little Einsteins

Music: plays the maracas, tambourine, egg shaker and toy trumpet well in constant tempo of about four to eight beats, now she’s trying the soprano recorder, sings Twinkle Little Star completely and other nursery rhymes with a few missed words, has tried strumming the guitar to the tune of Twinkle Little Star in almost perfect rhythm with Daddy fretting the chords, can identify sounds of trumpet, guitar, drums, and piano (just last Sunday during children’s choir rehearsals!) when she hears it, can mimic how an instrument is played

Gross motor: walks, runs, often carelessly so we make sure she’s a hug’s reach from us, can kick a ball strongly, can climb in and out of the crib, can jump a little though not feet together in mid-air, claps, shakes body, dances

Fine motor: blowing, toothbrushing, combing hair, flipping books and magazines, holds crayons, positions her fingers in the recorder, shakes maracas and shakers, playing the piano with one finger each key–sometimes!

Values: we teach her the Filipino “mano po” which she does with the elders at home, she packs away her toys…and takes out more toys after a split second, we teach her limits–which she isn’t that good at yet. She always wants things her way at this toddler stage, which I will from now on call as Terrific Twos because she is terrific in her own way. Since it’s Independence Day on June 12, we bought her a small Philippine flag and had been singing the national anthem every morning. Now she puts her right hand on her tummy while waving the flag mightily on the left hand!

Prayer time: says the sign of the cross (she once said while she was confined in the hospital– Father, Son, Holy Sipit, Amen. Getting there, I thought) but still doesn’t attempt to do it, recites Angel of God one new word a day, morning prayer — joins in certain words like Papa Jesus (not that clear yet), day, me, Amen.

All of these we do upon waking up, lunch time when I’m at home, and before sleeping. More learning done with her Nonna — my mom, who is so patiently taking care of my rambunctious toddler when we’re at work of have church activities. Weekends and holidays are dedicated to Aria — we eat out, go to a different place so she could discover some more, hear Mass (though oftentimes she’d just run around the church, saying hello to other kids), watch shows and concerts when it’s outdoors (she’s really talkative and reacts loudly so she can’t go inside a theater yet).

Forget toddler school! Schatzi Homeschool has started school year 2012!

~ Touringkitty

Horses on stick

Carousels are what I mean, silly minds!

Aria shrieks every time she sees carousels. Simple joys for a simple kulit kid like ours. Let the pictures take you to the carousels she has experienced so far:

At Market! Market!
At Mall of Asia.

This is where she first rode the carousel before she turned a year old, with her Dad. Undocumented, because they were alone at that time.

I had another picture, taken at Rockwell, but have to find it first.

And when she quite misses it, she does this at home:

Heart. Attack.
And loads of laughter!

It’s her Dad, by the way, forced by Aria to face down so she could ride the “tigig-tigig” and go up and down!

It’s more fun with Aria at our Schatzihaus. She has indeed become the light of this 29 sqm condo unit and of our lives as well.

~ Touringkitty

The rain made me sad

Pag-asa finally got it right. So it rained, twas a tropical storm even, making us spoil all our plans to hit the mall and eat with the family today.

The other night, while my officemate and I ran in the rain under a small umbrella just to get home soonest after watching a concert (how we love our job–free concerts to watch! And foreign acts even!), we saw a girl about ten years old sitting down, hands clasped around her body, in the middle of the pouring rain. My officemate told her she should have gone home. My question is, does she really have a home to go to?

And it made me really sad. I told my husband and my daughter about it, and we prayed for that little girl that she may have a dry place to stay for the night.

Blessed. That’s what our families are. For that we should never cease praising Him.

Aria slept early tonight. Good thing because she was awake way early than usual. So while the humming of the aircon was lulling my little rascal to sleep, I fixed our mountainous closet. Two weeks after the helper left and we’re coping with late night cleaning, ironing, fixing whatever we can while we get some peace and quiet with the sleeping toddler. Lately, she’s been quite a handful, two handfuls even, running around, falling, bumping, screaming, throwing things, not listening, what have yous. Terrible twos? Nah, make it REALLY TERRIBLE TWOS!!! And she’s not even two!

As I was folding clothes, I saw the plastic bag full of rashguards, swimsuits and trunks. We bought it two months ago supposedly for the Boracay trip that never was. Seeing those stuff made me sad. We never got to use it even if we’re disease-free the rest of May. I wonder if those will ever fit Aria next summer. I doubt they will, she grows at lightning speed after she got dextrosed. She eats so much now that she sometimes eats more than I do, though a quarter of the serving usually goes to the floor or table.

I kept blaming myself in my head as I was folding the rashguards. What did I do, what did I feed her? Why did it ever have to happen? I bought her one with a duck hoodie on it, the other a pretty rainbow colored one. She could have looked good on it. She would have loved splashing on the water. We lost a lot of money for this trip because of the cancellation policies of hotels and planes. No mercy for the sick baby indeed. Thinking of it makes me cry inside that I don’t want my husband to see me in tears because he would have told me, it’s so last month.

And yes, this past month has been filled with triumphs, trials, and blessings. We’re all safe, no one is sick at the moment, we’re eating well. We just have to be careful even more now that Aria is in her explorative year. Our little family is very thankful for the love we receive from people who care–my mom, my sister, my aunt, most especially, for making themselves available for Aria when we can’t.

We’re facing June energized, happier, and healthier. The stay-out helper will start next week. Mom will still take care of Aria when we’re out. Aria will not anymore attend toddler school after much praying and deciding. Our toddler is growing and the household should cope up with these changes. She is hungry for learning, so we’re exposing her to more interesting stuff. We’ll enjoy her babyness and naughtiness in the meantime. She won’t forever be like that.

~ Touringkitty


But of course I have to use that rashguard, so an indoor pool outing must be on my list this month. Persistence is the key.