Carousels are what I mean, silly minds!
Aria shrieks every time she sees carousels. Simple joys for a simple kulit kid like ours. Let the pictures take you to the carousels she has experienced so far:

This is where she first rode the carousel before she turned a year old, with her Dad. Undocumented, because they were alone at that time.
I had another picture, taken at Rockwell, but have to find it first.
And when she quite misses it, she does this at home:

It’s her Dad, by the way, forced by Aria to face down so she could ride the “tigig-tigig” and go up and down!
It’s more fun with Aria at our Schatzihaus. She has indeed become the light of this 29 sqm condo unit and of our lives as well.
~ Touringkitty