Month: December 2013

Holiday Pause

Who said fasting and abstinence is only for Lent?

I will attempt to do mine, this Christmas and New Year.

I have finally wrapped up my last project for the year, and will try not to be online for the next week (fingers crossed!).

This year has been incredibly crazy but wonderful for me. Everything came fast, and I am thankful that God has been the most faithful God there is.

So, to all my friends, have a blessed Christmas and New Year ahead! You are all in our prayers.

Don’t forget to click this blogpost for my Christmas gift to you: a $10 credit from design website, Canva!

Jazz up your Christmas Cards with Canva

Courtesy: Canva (

Who likes to receive Christmas Cards? I know I do, and I like making my own, too.

Unlucky me, I do not have artists’ hands to draw, colour, and paint. And that’s when the computer is put in good use. Especially the good ol’ Microsoft Publisher (ya, call me old fashioned, but I do ALL things in that little program!). Then I can just print the cards and they’re ready to be given away.

But technology has made the work of postmen so yesterday. We all do send emails and e-cards as they call it. I do, too, especially when it’s Christmas.

Luckily, I discovered a design website where you can make your Christmas Cards easy, fun, and free!

You read it right.


Design your Christmas Cards at Canva, a new, easy to use, design website which can cater to your specific design needs like blog graphics, Facebook covers, presentations, and others.

And since it is the season of giving, Your Royal Kittyness, Touringkitty, is giving away FREE $10 credit which you can use for upgrading your designs by using more images over at Canva. Isn’t it cool?

Head over to this link to claim your gift. I made my own which I have shared over at the Touringkitty Facebook Page.

Choicest blessings to your family this wonderful season!

~ Touringkitty

Handa ka na ba? (Are you ready?)

It was the fourth day of the anticipated Simbang Gabi. I was hoping the previous attendance of five kids would be more, knowing that some of my members are almost done or maybe done with exams. Unfortunately, I had four.

I don’t mind. I trust my kids too well that I know they could deliver. And deliver they did. We had a good service tonight. We even had to change the line-up to more familiar songs so that the community could better participate. They were prepared for these kinds of “emergencies.” 

What was best though was the Homily delivered by Fr. Elis Santos of Don Bosco, Mandaluyong. It was all about what my kids had shown: being ready.

Earlier in the morning, a dear friend posted the following on Facebook, and I quote:

It was a night like any other night but it wasn’t a child like any other child… How can we take such a simple story which can be read in seven verses and come up with a complicated celebration? As the world celebrates the birth of Christ for all the wrong reasons for the expressions of self-indulgence, materialism, partying and social events of any kind, may we find the real significance why Jesus had to be born in human form. Don’t clutter your mind with such Christmas clutters. 

So, why are we readying our Christmas presents, then? Why do we rush to that expensive restaurant or hotel to make an early reservation? Why are malls filled to the brim? Why are we readying ourselves for the wrong things?

Fr. Elis gave us three simple things that will help us Be Ever Ready, especially when the -BER months usher in:

Basa ng Bibliya (Read the Bible). One verse a day. Then it will become one passage, one chapter, one book, then the entire thing. One step at a time.

1 Peter 2:2 said it: Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.

Enthusiastic (participation in the) Eucharist. One hour a week. Only one hour. That’s what is requested of us. You need not to be part of the lectors or of the choir to be able to participate. Respond, sing along the songs, focus, pray.

Regular Rosary. Filipinos are known to be Marian devotees. A Rosary a day is like a bunch of flowers offered to the Blessed Mother, and the many intentions you have prayed for each bead. Like an apple a day, a rosary a day keeps you connected with the Blessed Mother, who is praying for all of us to our Lord.

Seems easy, right? But are we really committed to do all of these? Are we really readying ourselves for the main event next week, Jesus’ Birthday?


~ Touringkitty

Toys for Joys

Toys for Joys.

This was Aria’s project for St. Nick’s Day when we sorted her toys to give away. It took me an hour of explaining and crying from her before she finally gave up her old, non-battery operated, and educational toys. She understood that other kids who do not have toys will be happily playing with them, thus she named the project as such.

I actually planned to turn them over to Jollibee, but did not have time to bring them yet. I had two bagfuls, and I might do another round of spring cleaning including books.

We did our weekly grocery this afternoon, and we rode the tricycle. It was not just us and the driver, but three other kids suddenly jumped to sit on the driver’s seat.

The driver, an old fellow who seemed to be working hard to earn them a living, seated the two girls in front of him, the little boy behind him.

I could not offer the seats inside the sidecar, as I had Aria and the groceries. Besides, it seemed as if they are used to sitting on what seemed a hazardous place. No seatbelts, no helmets. Imagine my horror. And there were three kids there!

One kid held a toy boat, an old and dirty one, which Aria took notice of quickly. They passed the toy boat to each other, and then I thought they might be the best beneficiaries to our simple project.

While in transit, I called my aunt who was at our condo to bring down the bag of toys we sorted. Then I decided which ones they can already play with.

They were surprised with the toys I gave! The boy, who was the oldest among them, said Thank You in a soft and shy tone. I reminded them all to share the toys with each other and not fight over them.

Aria was quite happy with what we did. She kept on repeating “Toys for Joys!”

Yes, honey, they thank you for sharing your toys with them.

~ Touringkitty


Want to help us make this project bigger? Let’s talk! Email touringkitty(at)gmail(dot)com

Madz @ 50: The story behind the music

Photo credit: Alfred John De Veyra (via Facebook)

Want to know the stories behind the music?

We heard their mellifluous music for five decades. Now it’s time to just read, be inspired, and learn through their words.

This is the first book that will be published in the 50 years of the Madz‘ existence. Sometime in 2001, a book called a Life Shaped by Music was written by Marjorie Evasco, but it mainly is a biographical sketch of Prof. Andrea O. Veneracion, who dedicated most of her life to developing  her “other” family, the Madz.

MADZ: Almost everything about the Philippine Madrigal Singers is a collection of firsthand accounts from the singers themselves. It also includes probably the whole anatomy of the group–from its roots to its wings, from the history to the “golden harvest” called the Madz et al. One of the alumnus, Alfred John de Veyra, put our stories together in this milestone book every choir should have.

The book will be launched this weekend during the Madz concert entitled Aurum. December 14 (8:00 PM) and 15 (5:00 PM) at the CCP Main Theater. The current members and alumni, along with the Madz et al choirs plus other guests will be part of it. I will sing there, as well as my Shrine of Jesus Children’s Choir. Hope to see you there!

~ Touringkitty

San Andres B: not your everyday Bonifacio story


Think of Andres Bonifacio and you will surely remember the heroic guy clad in white shirt and red pants, holding a bolo in the Monumento.

But here comes San Andres B. Bukid? Nay, I say. It is Bonifacio.

This is definitely not your typical Bonifacio story.

San Andres B is a new opera with libretto by National Artist for Literature Virgilio Almario, with music by Josefino Chino Toledo, one of the foremost 21st century Filipino composers. Amazing work of art, text and music beautifully woven together.

Stage direction is by Floy Quintos and choreography by Kris-Belle Paclibar-Mamagun. Both of them have been working closely with us for the past two months and we are amazed by their virtuosity, creativity, and humour. Yes, they’re happy folks, too!

So, why is this not your usual Bonifacio story?

There will be less sword fights, but more thinking, both from the actors and from the audience. The libretto and music was indeed a challenge for all of us, given that this is an untried and untested work. We are so proud of what we have done out of the material. And we would love to show it to all of you!

You will discover more of Bonifacio as a responsible brother, protective husband, caring leader, truly deserving to be called Supremo.

Cast includes Dondi Ong, Margarita Roco, Antonio Ferrer, Marvin Gayramon, plus the Auit Chamber Ensemble, TP Actors Company, and Grupo 20/21.

Interested? Get tickets now through Ticketworld or CCP Box Office. We guarantee you to have a renewed sense of freedom and social responsibility after you see this show. And I am pretty sure you will thank our heroes like Bonifacio for that.


~ Touringkitty