By: Ariadne M. Alcantara

Christmas is not just about the decorations and the presents we get each year. There is something much more important than all of those, and it is celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. He came into our world to save us from our sins and lead us to everlasting life. This season is a great way to make ourselves better people and to help others do so as well, and we can by spreading hope, peace, joy, and love — the virtues of the four Advent Candles.

The first candle is hope. Many of us have been affected by fear of a dangerous virus for almost two whole years. In order to help the world rise once more, we all must spread hope and continue to pray and stop the spread of COVID 19. Following health and safety protocols, getting a vaccine, and staying at home can make a small but vital contribution.

The second candle is peace. Each and every one of our lives have been drastically impacted and changed, from our career, school, and everyday life. We must try not to get too overwhelmed by all the bad things happening and maintain peace in ourselves, the family, and the world.

The third candle is joy. It is true that these are very hard and trying times and the only ways we can help are by sympathizing and praying. But even through all of this we have to stay positive and help others be happy, too. Ways of doing so are by singing to our favorite songs, reading, talking to friends — anything to brighten up the day.

And finally, the greatest commandment, love. The Bible says to “love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). If we love something or someone, then it means something important to us and we will do everything to protect it. This Christmas, let us learn to be more grateful for all of the blessings God has given us, and to learn to love others, too, especially those in need.

If we continue to spread these things, then we will get through every single problem and lead a meaningful life. Merry Christmas to all and happy holidays!!!