Author: Em Alcantara

No other way

One night, my daughter tested my patience.

She does every single night that I put her to sleep anyway, but this particular night, it was horrifying. I was horrifying. And it wasn’t me.

As she was literally tumbling from mattress to mattress (our beds are two floor mattresses linked together), I cried out, “anak, para kang nasapian” (seems like a bad spirit entered). Our helper chuckled, and turned off the lights. My husband slept ahead because he was not feeling well.

So I started dragging my daughter to her sleep area, and she cried all the more, banging her head on the rubber mat-protected walls. I was appalled, really frustrated, that she still hasn’t slept after an hour of chasing her round the room then some Skype-ing with my sister and mom (who just live on the other street).

I forced nursed her just to get drowsy. It worked.

I have skipped days of not nursing her to sleep, and succeeded with just singing and hugging. But this night she so wanted to nurse, specifically on the right side, which I have made her avoid for the day because it was hurting after she pinched and bit it waaaay hard. It’s more painful nursing her now at 28 months and with complete set of teeth than when she was just a newborn.

Besides, nursing her reconnected us after being away for eleven hours at work. It’s how she communicates with me that no one else would understand. Just us.

Sometimes, though, I did wish I didn’t nurse at all, if only to avoid her being clingy. There are times I can’t eat nor pee or poo and end the day being dehydrated because my daughter would nurse for most of the day. Even if she had just eaten or drunk. It might be an isolated case, pregnant moms who consider nursing, so don’t get discouraged. I knew of some families who also exclusively breastfeed and their kids grow mature and independent early on.

As for us, we will continue nursing. That’s what helped me avoid most sickness because of the immunity we pass through the milk and through her suckling. I also didn’t get huge after giving birth! Quickly I lost the packed pounds during pregnancy. It is a great diet pill actually.

No other way but to breastfeed. And I’d be very delighted if more families at least try. We pray for you and your babies.

~ Touringkitty

Waiting for tonight…or not…

The mind is willing but the body is not.

Before I fully snooze to dreamland (yes call me killjoy for not waiting for the new year countdown!), let me greet everyone who’s joining the countdown via social media a Happy and Blessed New Year! May this one be better than the last!

And to those who are working at this very hour (like the taxi driver where I took my ride home from church in, security, medical teams on standby), those who await the break of the new year with their families and loved ones even those who wait together via webcam or phone miles apart, those who will be born this year, may you all have a blast!

And for those who have not lived to see the new year (like our dear Fr. James Reuter), our departed loved ones, those who are seeking hope despite trials and calamities, those who are away from their loved ones (separated families, those in prison), those who are in the bed of sickness or at the dusk of their lives, may they be blessed by the love of the Father and the care of our Holy Mother who celebrates her feast day this first day of the year.

Happiest of new years from my family to yours!

~ Touringkitty

Grown-up Christmas List

“I’m participating in the Keeping Christ in Christmas Blog Carnival, hosted by Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints, Truly Rich Mom and Arma Dei: Equipping Catholic Families. We’ll be sharing different ways, tips, stories and real-life experiences that will help us focus on Jesus as the Reason for the Christmas season. Please scroll down to the end of the post to see the list of carnival entries.”


December, for me and my husband, is synonymous to busy. We have never experienced a Christas season without at least one harang, or work outside of work as we call it. Be it singing for weddings or Christmas engagements, judging a choral competition, teaching, writing jobs, we are called to do one.

Lucky for us cos it means extra income (and shopping money!). Unlucky for us, too, because we have to leave our toddler behind.

I am a Christmas person. It’s the most wonderful time of the year indeed because of all the busyness, the traffic, the churchwork especially the Simbang Gabi. We even used to have a harana to churchgoers before Mass starts.

I am having a different feel of Christmas this year. A few days before our last day at work, I told my officemates that this is probably the first time that I still don’t feel it’s Christmas despite our tree being brightly lit at home, despite all the traffic, the lights, the people doing the shopping rush (really, why is there a need for it?!). I was actually surprised to see the church pews not filled unlike the past years. Slowly dipping in numbers as each year passes.

But as church volunteers, we must stand by our commitment to serve. So I am just so thankful to the families of my choir for braving the traffic to attend the services. Thank you, thank you!

This blog carnival is so timely because I am all set to making a Christmas list! Forget about New Year’s Resolutions. Here’s my Grown-up Christmas List:

1. Peace on Earth, goodwill to men. While some may say this is so cliché, I pray for this year in and year out. Now especially that danger is eminent everywhere. Just last week, few of my choir members lost their cellphones in a dressing room. What we do not like is that the event organizers even blame some of the kids who may have stolen the items! So instead of stressing ourselves out, we prayed for whoever stole those gadgets that she or he may put the stealing into good use.

2. Slow down, silly. I have a tendency to rush things and finish them early but not good quality, or do them last minute and I don’t care what the result will be. So for the coming year, I will try my best to slow down and focus on what has to be don, and do it well.

3. Learn to say no. I also have this tendency to accommodate everything on my schedule. But working mom that I am must make time for my family. So I will have to say no to several engagements which may rob the time I’m supposed to be with my loved ones.

4. Beautification project. Of myself first, then of the home. As a wife and mom, and as someone whose work involves meeting people, I must be presentable. So I will take advantage of my very long break and schedule my ultimate makeover, one sector of my body and our house every day! I know this will make me be a better person this new year.

5. Give until it hurts. Our Rector said this during the second collection for the recent typhoon Pablo victims. We hope our family could give more to those in need next year.

6. Pray more. I am blessed to have nurtured a praying family. It started when my husband and I were just starting to date, about eight years ago. During one of our phone talks, I asked if we could pray before we sleep. So we prayed over the phone, and it had become a habit. Not just a formula prayer, but a special prayer for our specific intentions for the day not only for ourselves but for others as well. With our daughter, so far she’s learned to do the Sign of the Cross, and recite Angel of God and a special morning prayer we’ve made for her. We meditate God’s presence as we wake up. We also hope to inject the Rosary each day. We are also fortunate to have priest-friends, especially our Rector, and friends who prays for and with us.

As our Rector always say, let us bring back Christ to Christmas and bring back Christmas to Christ. He is the real reason for the season.

Some more inspirations this happy season:

Homeschool Mosaics: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Joy: Keeping Christ in Christmas: Advent Interruptions
The Breadbox Letters: Interrupted by Glory
TwentyTuesdayAfternoons: Keeping Christ in Christmas/ The Season of Giving / A Wee Bit of Beach Holiday Angst
The Learning Basket: Staying With the Nativity Story
Tercets: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Rosary Mom: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Ate Maui: Hoping and Bringing Hope
Written By the Finger of God: 12 Traditions for Keeping Christ in Christmas
Dominique’s Desk: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Felix at Fifty: What Jesus Wants for Christmas
Mommy Bares All: Birthday Cake for the Birthday Boy on Christmas Day
Between Now and Later: Keeping Christ in Christmas, I am trying…
Lique’s Antics: Family Antics: Christmas Reflection
Life of Fortunate Chances: Our First Ever Christmas: Keeping Christ in Christmas
The Mommy Journey: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Roller Coaster Ride: How to Remind Your Kids of Jesus Christ This Christmas
Cymplified: Christ -Centered Christmas: Cymplified!
Mountain Grace: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Touring Kitty: Grown-up Christmas List
Mommy Chinkysoup for the Soul: A Very Special Christmas
City Girl, Country Home: Finding Jesus in a Flurry
Coffee Moments with Sam: Christmas Unwrapped: 5 Presents Our Kids Truly Deserve
Raising Lifelong Learners: Keeping Christ in Christmas
The Diary of a Sower: Keeping Christ in Christmas: Celebrating the Golden Days
Arma Dei: Equipping Catholic Families: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Raising (and Teaching) Little Saints: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Truly Rich Mom: The Greatest Gift of All This Christmas
Joy-Filled Family: CHRIST in Christmas
Blueberry 010: Keeping Christ in Christmas: Jesus is the Reason for the Season
Deeper Truth Blog: Keeping Christ in Christmas Carnival
Holy Ducklings: 10 Ways to Make Advent Special for Your Little Ducklings
Green Eggs and Moms: Keeping Christ in Christmas: Green Eggs & Moms Style!


If you follow me on Twitter (follow here if you haven’t!), you’d be familiar with my hashtag #momdaymondays.

It is because Monday is my only WHOLE day with Aria (unless there’s work or errand to do though). Work is from Tuesday to Saturday (Saturday mornings at work every other week and sometimes wedding engagements, meetings in the afternoon). Sundays may be church day but while Daddy and Aria are hearing Mass (and chasing each other outside the church), I play for my choir or rehearse them. So I’m still daughter-free.

Big sigh! There are days when I wanted to drop everything and go back to just being a mom. I miss Aria much more now. I feel like I should be with her now that she is learning and growing fast.

Though sometimes I feel the opposite. She nurses more instead of eating more when I’m around. She plays tricks on me and her dad, and we end up not accomplishing anything at home or when we go out. She is makulit lately. We get tired and she doesn’t. But we love her so much! Amazing how parents give love even if kids can be little sources of headaches, and occasional bruises and bumps.

The recent #momdaymonday was a lot different from the others. We decided to do our grocery in the evening instead of doing it before lunchtime. We didn’t have pedia appointments so basically it was a relaxed day at home with my toddler and our helper.

I went to the playground with my daughter after her bath. It was a first time for me to see her try the swing and slide, all by herself. Before that, it was just a story I heard from my mom, the ever patient, ever supportive, and ever caring “Nonna” of Aria.

While playing, she tripped but she knew how to fall–with her hands. Such a strong girl. She came to me, showed her hands, and after I wiped off the dirt she went back and basked under the midday sun. Tears were welling out my eyes as I shared a hearty laugh with her.

Then she decided on her own that it’s time to end playground time so she ran toward the elevator. It was almost ten in the morning which means it’s time for Hi-5! And as she was singing and dancing while watching, I took the chance to clean her book chest. She noticed I wasn’t around so she looked for me and joined in the cleaning up. Until she decided to tear a small board book, one of the first her dad and I bought when she was still a few months old. I didn’t know how to react. She destroyed the book! But I said to myself, let her make that mess. Happy mess indeed! Then she picked one book and asked me to read to her.

Bittersweet indeed. Here I am eating my own words which I said a couple of weeks after giving birth–that I wished Aria was already all grown up so I could do again the things I was doing before I had her, which is singing, teaching, working, etc. I wished she was big already just so I could bring her with me everywhere. But now I don’t want to miss her tiny achievements every day–her new word, new trick, new skill. She is still our baby and I am selfish to say that she must remain our baby forever. She may be makulit and malikot compared to kids her age, but the joy that she radiates in our home is beyond words. I want her to grow loving God, her parents and family, have utmost respect for elders, and have a generous heart.


We just love our silly momdaymondays. Hope you are having fun every day of the week with the people you love.

~ Touringkitty

Fam Photobooth Fun!

We don’t like iPad’s Photobooth App.

We’re CRAZY about it!!!

So we took our craziness in so many party photobooths already. Like these:

My sister gifted my daughter with of course, two hours of photobooth fun for her first birthday!


Got this during Chinese New Year in a department store. We had to purchase something to avail this.


This was during a party of one of my friend’s twin boys.


And this was the party of Aria’s cousin all th way in Pampanga! And the printout of this was high quality. Plus it was a talking photobooth! I wish they had this in Manila!


That’s my family’s little bit of happiness.

~ Touringkitty

Little triumphs of a busy working mom

“I have been so busy,” so I told my husband, “that on this month of November alone I was able to achieve so much!”

Aside from my full time work at the country’s premiere cultural institution, I was able to still fulfill churchwork, prepare my children’s choir for a choral festival, attend an alumni homecoming, sing for a masterclass of one of today’s outstanding sopranos, join a recipe contest of a health store, and judge a bank institution’s choral competition, not to mention singing with one of the foremost Filipino baritones who I love!

Churchwork: I am coordinator of the music ministry, which involves attending meetings and scheduling the choirs for masses. We might be dwindling in numbers but still able to adjust ourselves to sing for all masses. And must fix that soon since Christmastime is near, Simbang Gabi is such a busy time for all. Our individual groups have their own “harangs,” or outside events as we musicians call it. Even my children’s choir have their own harang!

Keep on Singing! I take pride in my kids. They have participated in the yearly Madz et al Choral Festival since 2008. The group led us to so many windows and doors of opportunities. We have prepared for the et al since September, if I remember right, with sporadic rehearsals of the repertoire interspersed with rehearsal of new church songs and mass services. The costumes were made in one month, I arranged all the songs, and except for one which most kids have sung before and was notated, the other two were learned purely by verbal instructions! The tutti song was rehearsed through a study recording, they rehearsed the guitar part with my husband playing during soundcheck, one kid didn’t show up and didn’t tell me why. I had so much fun after I was able to rehearse all the songs in one go minutes before the show started, and we’re group number two! All praise the Lord, indeed!

(Photo below belongs to one of my members)


Alumni Homecoming: I wasn’t able to dedicate much time in convincing my friends to attend, so in our batch, only four attended. We had fun, nevertheless. And I was with my sister and mom who were both alumnae of the school as well! I was asked to sing the national anthem, an intermission number, and the school hymn, in which I even did the minus one in Musescore!

Claire Primrose Masterclass: It was another opportunity for me to sing opera! And I was so lucky to have gotten a slot. I was down with the flu so I almost wanted to back out, and I even came from choir rehearsals in the morning, so imagine my horrible voice then! But the more important thing was I learned a lot from Ms. Primrose. Will do a separate post about it soon.

(Photo below belongs to a friend)


Singing Cooking Mama: Our family buys so much stuff from Healthy Options! So when I found out about Bob’s Red Mill cookoff, I joined. My entry: no less than the lactation oven toaster cookies of course! Check their Facebook page and look for my entry! This is my submitted entry.


Judge Dredd, or Judge Late?! Blame the Thursday/payday/bonus day/day before long weekend sloooow traffic! And my poor judgment. I came late for the judging of a bank’s choral competition. But if there was any consolation, I got the rare privilege to sing with internationally-acclaimed Filipino baritone, Andrew Fernando! He invited me to sing O Holy Night with him, cos people asked him for a second intermission song. Impromptu! Good voice and super nice person he is!

Wow. Was I actually working full-time with all of the other extra items I did above?

And yes, November still has one day left, so tomorrow, I’ll be listening and criticquing a choir from our church who will join a big choral competition next week. I hope I could be helpful, so I must sleep!

Enjoy the long weekend! I’ll be working unfortunately, and I have to make up for my daughter who’s been crying “fun in the air, let’s do it together.” You prolly know what that means!

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I miss being pregnant

Yes you read it right. I miss being pregnant.

All because I was at my prettiest when I was pregnant.

Yup, not ever did I feel I was a blushing bride cos no amount of derma visits stopped my acne breakout on the wedding day. But I didn’t mind, really. Having a Mr. Pogi beside me since that day on (aka my husband), plus all the beautiful people who were there during our special day, I never minded the ugliness that is me!

But the nine months I carried Aria, oh, if I could be pregnant forever was my prayer! My skin was so smooth,my face clean and clear. My hair was so healthy and shiny and virtually no hairfall. I was the epitome of beautiful pregnant momma. I had bouts of morning sickness in the first four months. My lower back was aching up until the fifth or sixth month so I semi-stopped singing.

BUT I was pretty, oh so pretty! With my baby bump showing more and the baby inside kicking me more, I felt so happy and content.

Months and years after birth, my acne and hairfall made a serious comeback! Now I don’t have time and money to pay a visit to my derma and salon so there goes my frenemies, all over again.

Now to contemplate on being pregnant again. Aria is our baby still!




Win TWO tickets for tomorrow’s Madz et al concert at Philamlife Theater, 5PM!

Answer this: What’s the name of my children’s choir who will perform tomorrow?

Email ur name and answer and cellphone number to

First one to email wins. Deadline is tomorrow, 6am. i’ll text the winner by 7am tomorrow.

We’ll give tickets tomorrow at the front of house of philamlife auditorium under your name.

Email now!

Contest exemptions: my choir members and their families 🙂

For those who haven’t gotten tickets, you can buy from us in a special deal of Buy 3, Take 1 free! Tickets are P400 each.

Attachment Parenting: what it means to my family

All the fuzz about Time Magazine’s cover a couple of months ago died a natural death. But not the desire to promote exclusive breastfeeding and, to an extent, attachment parenting.

What in the world is that? Does it mean that parents are supposed to be with baby 24/7?

At first, I thought it worked that way. But after two years of being a parent, I realized the following things:

1. Parenting is instinctive. Yes there might be hits and misses but you learn along the way. Sometimes you gotta learn it the HARD way. I accepted that fact and now I somehow regretted being weak. A parent should be firm in making decisions because it will be for the benefit of your own family and not of other people. Unsolicited advices may make or break you but ultimately, it’s the parents who will look after their children.

2. You work with your spouse, not against your spouse. There are days which we tend to blame each other but we try to meet halfway. It’s hard considering we both are firstborns and firstborns are supposed to be on top pf the game but we keep our ground when we need to. I can say I have the best partner in raising our kid–my husband–who has been very supportive (and very tired, sometimes!) in my career now as a full time government employee and choir conductor and church servant and volunteer and everything else! I have been busy, and my husband takes care of our kid at times when I’m supposed to be with her–on weekends, late at night, especially.

3. Indeed, it takes a village to raise a child. I have the best mother in the world. For the past year especially that I have gone back to full time work, she is always there for our kid. I know she is tired but she stays strong for my toddler. She handles child care while our stay-in helper (thank God for her, too!) takes care of the household especially cooking yummy and nutritious food for the family. My sister is Aria’s playmate! When nobody else is available, she takes care of Aria. Sometimes Aria misses her Tita more than Mommy and Daddy!

4. You give out love, you’ll be showered with more love back. Our daughter is probably the most hyperactive breastfed toddler in the condo (or everywhere she goes) and I don’t mind, really. I know she can annoy the hell out of everyone else with her loud voice, nonstop talking, walking, running, shouting, singing the alphabet, counting to twenty, etc etc but heck, can I really stop her? I would like to ask help from psychologists but my husband said it’s too early. We should wait for another year to gauge if she might have problems (really, is there a problem?) but she’s so cute and loud at the same time. What would you choose–an unresponsive baby or someone as smart (nevermind malikot and makulit) as Aria?

Going back to attachment parenting, I really am not sure if we are practicing such, but I think we are. Here’s a look at what AP is. Note that this is not a strict set of rules of parenting but some ideas you may adapt to your family.

Prepare for Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting. A year and three months after marriage, the stork visited and poof, I was pregnant. I did not take any birthing classes, save for one breastfeeding meeting which changed our perspective on feeding choices. I really can’t say we prepared for it because obviously, we’re all clueless about this tiny creature who will suddenly turn the household upside down. It was tough in the first days, even tougher as months passed. I was just fortunate to have a loving husband, supportive OBGYN, and a caring family to back me up when I wanted to fall.

Feed with Love and Respect. That one breastfeeding meet clearly made us decide that we shall try to breastfeed. And try our best we did, that we were able to hurdle so much criticisms, doubts, and pressure for 26 months and counting. Likewise, our choices when Aria was weaning were all natural foods. No preservatives, nothing instant. So we make sure her food is freshly prepared. It may have costed us a lot but it really paid off. She’s healthy, smart, and just in the right growing pace.

Respond with Sensitivity. Elders would tell me to let the baby cry. I never did. We’re not spoiling our kid, we’re telling her that we’re here when she needs a helping hand. Now tell me, would you ever let a kid cry? Be with them when they’re at their weakest and also at their happiest.

Use Nurturing Touch. Aria has a tendency to sleep well when carried, especially in her first few weeks. I literally was her slave. I’ve mastered eating with spoon on my left hand and her on my right, have worked in the laptop while she was on my lap after a feeding/sleeping session, and just when I am about to poop or pee, she still is with me. But I never regretted every moment of it. What I regret though is that I learned babywearing a wee bit late. I and my mom would have spared our hands from De Quervain’s Syndrome had we practiced babywearing earlier. Proud to say that my husband, too, is a babywearer!

Ensure Safe Sleep, Physically and Emotionally. We love co-sleeping with Aria. And now that she’s a full-sized toddler, I am proud and emotional. Proud because our daughter likes sleeping with Mommy and Daddy, emotional because we know she will want her own bed and her own room soon after a few more years. Co-sleeping also made breastfeeding easy for us. It used to be that hubby brings baby from her crib to our bed, but after a few months, we completely dissed the crib and hubby sleeps uninterrupted! Now Aria can just raise my shirt to nurse, though sometimes when she finds herself beside Daddy, she raises his shirt instead!

Provide Consistent and Loving Care. As I have mentioned earlier, I am lucky to have a supportive and loving family who is ready to take care of our kid. Of course, as Aria’s main caregivers, my husband and I must make as much time as we can with her. Sometimes she demands more but it’s fine, we can never replace the time that she requested us to do so. I still go home to see her during lunch (thank God for near workplaces!) and Daddy plays with her in the morning and before sleep.

Practice Positive Discipline. In our home, we apply the no-spanking rule. There are times though that Aria can be really unruly and pushy. Once, my mom spanked her and naturally, I got mad. That is not the discipline we want her to learn. I told her not to do it again to our daughter because she just might imitate it, which she did also. I also sometimes get mad at Aria and I am very vocal about it, especially to my daughter. In time, I said to myself, in her own sweet time, she will understand and live the positive values she should learn. No rushing, she’s a kid anyway.

Strive for Balance in Personal and Family Life. It was quite a while before I got back to working, and I didn’t mind. I know I was very impatient postpartum, probably part of baby blues. I super missed performing, teaching the choir, and being busy. Then slowly I eased back into teaching, then performing, then I got a full time job. The mani-pedis were also in line, albeit scheduled waaaay ahead. I was actually seeing more friends and family now, watching more concerts now (aside from the fact that it is part of my job!), and doing more things now. If a career is one whole plate then what about parenthood AND work! That’s two whole plateful, of jobs and I am amazed by all mothers who can do just that and more!

Attachment parenting combines just all the passions and advocacies our family is practicing and supporting. I am thankful to the internet, that I am able to research about these stuff and communicate with like-minded parents and promote this to more and more people.

~ Touringkitty