To my husband and daughter, for funding my blog (teehee) and for loving it as much as you love me. I love you both, too.
To the many groups I belong to–the performing world, choral world, teaching world, mommy world, breastfeeding world, homeschooling world, church world, WAHMing world, mommy blogging world, for being sources of my blog stories.
And to my ultimate source of all this, Touringkitty, my beloved magic wand, for being the beginning of my journey. If not for our travels in the past I would not have had a Touringkitty.
So, enjoy reading! Like my Facebook Page to be updated with more things happy!
A Happiest Easter to everyone! Like what our dear Rector always says, the glory of Easter Sunday must pass through the sufferings of Good Friday.
How did your Holy Week and Paschal Triduum go? Mine was busy as usual at church, the Shrine of Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. For the longest time, I have never been on Holy Week vacation. But I’d rather have it that way. It’s such a fulfilling feeling for my husband and I to serve. Always, Christmas and Easter seasons are the busiest for church musicians, don’t you agree?
Thursday we had the Washing of the Feet and reenactment of the Last Supper. Chosen Apostle Actors took part in the Washing of the Feet. It has always been a challenge for our rector to find apostle actors, and he tells us that he really prays for whoever is chosen. My husband had his turn as apostle actor seven years ago, when we were on our second year serving the Shrine.
Friday, we participated in the Via Crucis for Good Weather organized by Radio Veritas, and participated by the Vicariate of Sta. Clara de Montefalco. The walk took us from San Juan de Dios Hospital to Manila Cathedral, all seven kilometers of it, from dawn to midday. It was tiring and hot but we did not feel it because we were walking with so many people and to trace the way of Jesus to his death and resurrection was both heartbreaking and heartwarming.
We got to Manila Cathedral around 9:00AM. We started the walk at 5AM, and the Shrine of Jesus contingent were stationed at the Second Station, just after Midas Hotel.
In the same afternoon, we had the Veneration of the Cross, followed by the Daang Krus sa Kalye, where the Apostle Actors and our priests led by our Rector, Monsignor Bobby Canlas, carried a cross from one station to another. My husband was the assigned guitarist during the Way of the Cross. It was a challenge for all of us in the music ministry cos we had to walk and sing through a throng of people.
Saturday was the Easter Vigil Mass in the evening. The Shrine of Jesus’ Easter Vigil Mass is known for its Resurrection effect productions every year. We even has laser shows in the past couple of years. Mons Bobby makes sure that each Easter Vigil Mass is solemn, unique and special.
Yesterday, Easter Sunday, we had a children’s Mass followed by Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. Then a concelebrated Mass was held, usually celebrated by a bishop. This time it’s Bishop Ted Bacani. Masses with Bishop Bacani are truly memorable. Mons Bobby asked for a special blessing from the bishop for the massgoers on wheelchairs. Some of them we regularly see in our masses. They were also given an image of the Our Lady of Lourdes, the patron of the sick.
I thank the Lord for sustaining all of us with good health during the Holy Week. The Shrine of Jesus Rectors Council and volunteers are some amazing people I have met. They come from different places and backgrounds, yet we come together as one in serving at the church the Lord entrusted to us. In this Year of the Laity, I am ever reminded of our role in the church, to be an active part of it. Not only through service but by through example.
Celebrating the Holy Week always brings forth a lesson and a blessing to me. For this year, it was another opportunity to assess what God calls me to do, and to always listen to Him. It does not pay off well when I don’t pray for something and just go with the flow. I am reminded to discern well the choices I am making. And to always keep things real.
Stuck on telling stories to your little ones? Not anymore with these cool books!
We discovered the Stuck on Stories by accident at the Relay shop at Changi Airport on our way home. I was gathering all my loose change in order to dispose them (read: last minute “syeping!”).
It was literally last minute, as we were about to board when we got to the gate. I saw these board books and settled on the Dora the Explorer book.
Stuck on Stories have 10 suction cup characters and a story board book inside. What you do is stick the suction cup characters along the story. It’s as if you are telling the story yourself!
From the Phidal website.
I am not quite familiar with the other characters. All I know is Dora, Boots, and Swiper. So, I interchanged Tico and Isa, hahaha! Good thing Aria was quick to correct me.
Back in Manila, Aria got interested in Disney Princesses. So, we scoured book stores to find one, and had it reserved even!
Disney Princesses getting stuck! Photo from the Phidal Website.
We got to meet the Princesses’ furry friends as we read along the story. Aria got to familiarise herself with the characters and their own stories.
And of course, the resident Kitty did not miss researching on this.
Wish list! Photo from Phidal Website.
This is not yet available in the Philippines, but Toys R Us abroad has this already. Can’t wait for it to come here.
The suction cups we have used in other ways, like counting, as seen in my Instagram (follow me @touringkitty).
Phidal carries a wide variety of children’s books which aid them in learning and having fun at the same time. Since 1979, the company has been developing safe, innovative, and creative products that spark the imagination of children and children at heart.
Disclaimer: all products are purchased by me. I am, in no way, connected to the company, and did my own research about the products cos they’re just so cute and collectible!
Before the First Week of Lent ends, allow me to share a few words of reflections.
The Gospel passage last Sunday was about the Big T: Temptation.
When God created the world, he did not expect it to be flawless. Remember the Scripture only said that it was good, He did not mention that it had to be perfect. God wanted balance, that’s why He gave man freewill to do things. Exactly what Adam and Eve displayed with the forbidden fruit.
They were tempted. And they gave in.
Giving in. Yes, temptation is everywhere, BUT we can choose NOT to give in.
It is probably still the hardest thing yet to achieve, even ice creams are named Temptations!
Someone even argues why we should NOT resist temptation. E. H. Chapin says:
“The trouble with resisting temptation is that you may not get another chance.”
Giving into temptation, I believe, is far off from taking chances. I think that if we pray for it, we would better discern the two, and we can make a really good choice between the two.
Clearly, the Big T for me is the cause of the Big C: Cancer. Cancer in society that is rooted by GIVING IN TO temptation.
Check out the collective of Singapore travel posts at this link.
Date: September 28
Location: Singapore
So, the night before we have sent off the family back to Manila. Now, we’re three!
We had our final breakfast for the trip at Kopitiam.
Days after the trip, Aria repeatedly said upon waking up that she will have breakfast at Kopitiam. Talk about hangover!
Then we hit the MRT, without stroller this time. I dared bear the little girl in the sling all day long! Love my Next9 sling!
I will miss our bus stop, Bras Basah!
MRT selfie!
First stop: Raffles Hotel!
My hubby and his signature pose. All. The. Time.
We passed by the Civilian War Memorial Park and saw this! Yes, our favorite bread is originally from Singapore!
Gardenia FTW!
Then we went to Esplanade, the famed arts hub of Singapore.
It took a while for my husband to realize it was Durian-shaped. Durian is a local fruit and is also found in the Philippines.
We saw this exhibit inside.
We immediately saw this as we are exiting from the train station. Quite a long walk going here.
We also saw a familiar word in a postcard.
And a familiar name too, our Ninong Jojo Velasco of the Ateneo Chamber Singers! He guest conducted the SYC Ensemble Singers last December.
We went back to Ion Orchard for lunch. We settled in this place.
Who would have thought? It’s their high-class food court! And was filled to the brim on a Saturday!
Then we went back to the hotel to check out and pick up our luggage. Off we go the airport!
Leftover coins went to a couple of TWG macarons with a Filipina at the counter speaking to us in Filipino. Kinda freaked me out (because I was expecting everyone to speak English!), but she was nice.Lessons while in mid-air, with Eebee’s first and only photo of the entire trip! He/She/It was her nighttime buddy to avoid homesickness.
When we got home, Aria immediately unpacked her new kitchen set which was a gift from my cousin Mark. She did not wait for the next day to check out her new toy.
It was indeed a fun trip for all of us, especially that this was the first family trip out of the country. We learned so much about Singapore’s culture in those four days. Such a fast-paced country with super efficient public transport system, lots of buildings, lots of things to do and see, and lots of yummy food.
And we are all happy that Aria was really really happy during this trip. Even if we had crying bouts during sleeptime (homesickness, small room and bed), she had the best time cos she still remembers everything up to now, even if she doesn’t see photos and videos of it anymore (imagine she watched the videos for weeks after the trip, even several times a day until she got tired of it!). She calls each Ferris wheel here Singapore flyer, to the amazement of taxi drivers.
Huge thanks go to our cousin and his wife for taking time to meet us and tour us around! Lastly, we thank the Lord for covering us under His protection for the duration of the trip and always. That no one got sick or harmed. Thank You for the opportunity!
And that this happened during my 30th birthday, it was such an amazing experience. All praises for the gift of life, love, and happiness!
Will we go back? Definitely! We’d definitely plan another family trip in two years perhaps, something we’d all enjoy. Any suggestions where?
While picking up the customised shirts for my kids at Maestro Rio Shop before the holidays last year, I found my friend, Nadia, packing some custom-made mugs and saw a familiar face. A very familiar face, in fact.
“Sumi Jo? In Manila? No way!!!”
“Yes way,” she said, “and it’s on February 1st next year.”
I would not miss it for the world! I know I could save up some money by that date, and I am so happy I did, and chose orchestra seats.
Fast forward to that date, my husband and I had events around BGC as well before the concert, so it was indeed a day well spent. However, he went home to our daughter ahead and I watched alone. Good thing we had so many friends watching as well.
I have been a fan of Korean soprano Sumi Jo even before I entered the College of Music. She was my instant favourite because of the Queen of the Night aria, Der Holle Rache.
I was looking forward to it, but unfortunately, it was not part of her repertoire.
Her program was a variety of opera arias, art songs, even musicals. The program seemed simple, yet her interpretation of each song was fabulous, riveting, and brought tears to my eyes (and I am sure to most audiences, too).
Despite the early difficulty of having the noisy airconditioning turned on, Sumi Jo displayed her virtuosity and professionalism, really deserving to be called diva. She then asked to have it switched off, and so even the Samsung Hall got a little warm, the audience did not protest and just enjoyed the diva’s voice and quirkiness.
I almost cried after her first song, Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark. It was so beautiful, her notes precise. Her interpretation of Lascia Ch’io Pianga still rings in my ears. The modern arrangement of Ari Arirang, the signature Korean song was powerful. What impressed us the most was her beautiful dimunuendos. She does it naturally!
Donning this red gown on the first part.
What’s even more laudable are the collaborating artists, Najib Ismail on piano and fellow collegemate, Raymond Sarreal on flute. The three made wonderful music together, and the instrumentalists were going beyond being mere assisting artists.
Ismail, Sarreal, and Jo working hard to make wonderful music together.
For the second part, Ms. Jo wore a white gown, but since it was unfitted, she threw in her funny side to still carry it well.
The sleeve falls off from time to time, good thing it was during the lighter songs.
We found out she donated her honorarium for UNICEF Philippines, especially for the relief operations of the typhoon victims. She also visited the beneficiaries of the concert, Tanging Yaman Foundation, a few days before the concert. Such a great act of charity!
She did not end the concert with her program, but with three more songs — Verdi’s O mio Babbino Caro, a Korean popular song especially for the Korean community in attendance (she was even the one who played on piano), and Schubert’s Ave Maria.
But wait, there’s more! She also conducted a voice masterclass the following day. I really would have wanted to sing for it; unfortunately I found out slots were already filled.
With Myramae Meneses, a masterclass participant and Farley Asuncion on piano.
It’s always a learning experience to attend masterclasses even if you’re just observing. This is a good venue to find out more about the singer’s performing and teaching styles.
To all who made it possible, thank you for bringing Sumi Jo here! Kamsahamnida!
It was the fourth day of the anticipated Simbang Gabi. I was hoping the previous attendance of five kids would be more, knowing that some of my members are almost done or maybe done with exams. Unfortunately, I had four.
I don’t mind. I trust my kids too well that I know they could deliver. And deliver they did. We had a good service tonight. We even had to change the line-up to more familiar songs so that the community could better participate. They were prepared for these kinds of “emergencies.”
What was best though was the Homily delivered by Fr. Elis Santos of Don Bosco, Mandaluyong. It was all about what my kids had shown: being ready.
Earlier in the morning, a dear friend posted the following on Facebook, and I quote:
It was a night like any other night but it wasn’t a child like any other child… How can we take such a simple story which can be read in seven verses and come up with a complicated celebration? As the world celebrates the birth of Christ for all the wrong reasons for the expressions of self-indulgence, materialism, partying and social events of any kind, may we find the real significance why Jesus had to be born in human form. Don’t clutter your mind with such Christmas clutters.
So, why are we readying our Christmas presents, then? Why do we rush to that expensive restaurant or hotel to make an early reservation? Why are malls filled to the brim? Why are we readying ourselves for the wrong things?
Fr. Elis gave us three simple things that will help us Be Ever Ready, especially when the -BER months usher in:
Basa ng Bibliya (Read the Bible). One verse a day. Then it will become one passage, one chapter, one book, then the entire thing. One step at a time.
1 Peter 2:2 said it: Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.
Enthusiastic (participation in the) Eucharist. One hour a week. Only one hour. That’s what is requested of us. You need not to be part of the lectors or of the choir to be able to participate. Respond, sing along the songs, focus, pray.
Regular Rosary. Filipinos are known to be Marian devotees. A Rosary a day is like a bunch of flowers offered to the Blessed Mother, and the many intentions you have prayed for each bead. Like an apple a day, a rosary a day keeps you connected with the Blessed Mother, who is praying for all of us to our Lord.
Seems easy, right? But are we really committed to do all of these? Are we really readying ourselves for the main event next week, Jesus’ Birthday?
This was Aria’s project for St. Nick’s Day when we sorted her toys to give away. It took me an hour of explaining and crying from her before she finally gave up her old, non-battery operated, and educational toys. She understood that other kids who do not have toys will be happily playing with them, thus she named the project as such.
I actually planned to turn them over to Jollibee, but did not have time to bring them yet. I had two bagfuls, and I might do another round of spring cleaning including books.
We did our weekly grocery this afternoon, and we rode the tricycle. It was not just us and the driver, but three other kids suddenly jumped to sit on the driver’s seat.
The driver, an old fellow who seemed to be working hard to earn them a living, seated the two girls in front of him, the little boy behind him.
I could not offer the seats inside the sidecar, as I had Aria and the groceries. Besides, it seemed as if they are used to sitting on what seemed a hazardous place. No seatbelts, no helmets. Imagine my horror. And there were three kids there!
One kid held a toy boat, an old and dirty one, which Aria took notice of quickly. They passed the toy boat to each other, and then I thought they might be the best beneficiaries to our simple project.
While in transit, I called my aunt who was at our condo to bring down the bag of toys we sorted. Then I decided which ones they can already play with.
They were surprised with the toys I gave! The boy, who was the oldest among them, said Thank You in a soft and shy tone. I reminded them all to share the toys with each other and not fight over them.
Aria was quite happy with what we did. She kept on repeating “Toys for Joys!”
Yes, honey, they thank you for sharing your toys with them.
~ Touringkitty
Want to help us make this project bigger? Let’s talk! Email touringkitty(at)gmail(dot)com