Dear Mommy,

We’ve come to this day again when we honor you. It seemed as if it was only yesterday that we celebrated my first mother’s day as a full-fledged mom and you as a full-fledged lola.

But one day in a year is never enough. We want to honor you even on Fathers’ Day, Grandparents’ Day, your birthday, Christmas, Valentines Day, today, tomorrow, and every single day!

We love you, you know that. Even if we disagree on so many things. Even if we argue about parenting styles and choices, which I now realized is truly inevitable given the quarter of a century gap in parenting a newborn.

We know you love us, and that love extended to my family, especially to our daughter, which I will be forever grateful for. Ariadne is such a unique girl. She’s smart and playful, naughty and beautiful. She’s easy to love, though sometimes hard to take care of because of her playfulness.

I thank the Lord for giving me and Myk such a thoughtful and caring mother. We wish we could be as thoughtful and caring as you are. You’ve shown me what a mother’s love can do. And now, it’s my turn to show my daughter that this is how my own mother showed her love for me–that whenever the need arises, the world will stop and mother’s love will shield everyone from harm. You perfected that, Mommy, for the past 28 years and until now your love remained the same for me and Myk, even doubled! That’s how amazing you are. And if we could show the same love for our children, we really have ultimately honored you well and good.

I love you, Mommy!

Your daughter forever,


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