Shopping attempt yesterday: BIG FAIL!
Haha I know it was Fathers Day but my hubby wanted to buy me clothes cos my closet’s screaming for a makeover (imagine all my clothes had to be breastfeeding-friendly–e.g. Tank tops, v-necks or deep necks, boleros, shawls and we have not weaned just yet!).
So off I went for 20 minutes of picking and filling up a basket, and much to my dismay upon fitting these clothes, they all did not fit. Leggings only go halfway on my legs, shirts were too tight, shorts won’t close the buttons. And they were medium sized already!
I was so surprised because I underestimated my body three years after I gave birth. All the while I though I was thin, but my hips, chest, and legs are now bigger than before!
The sweet ending though: I left all clothes in a basket outside the fitting room, and filled them with new blouses and shorts for my kid! Oh how fun it is to be a mom!
I better hit the gym now. Join in!
How do you deal with your postpartum bodies? Share your tips in the Comments section.