UPDATE: The event is rescheduled to May 18 from April 13. See details on their website.
You would definitely join a fun run for any good cause, but would you run for Breastfeeding?
The recent calamities that struck our country underscored the importance of breastfeeding, especially in times of emergency. Lactation support groups made their way to far flung areas where breastfeeding and child feeding support are much needed. Milk donations poured out, even wet nurses came to aid.
Breastfeeding is best for babies. Even best for their parents and families. It’s most accessible, practical, economical, and greatly beneficial. Personally, I advocate extended breastfeeding, meaning beyond two years. I still breastfeed my 3 and a half year old daughter because we both know it is still best. We complement with nutritious food, of course. I cannot enumerate the many wonderful benefits breastfeeding has given my family.
Spring has sprung, but for us here in sunny Manila, summer is kicking in. Looking for something worthwhile to do?
Join the Nurture Run on April 13 May 18, 2014, Sunday, 5:30 AM to 10:00 AM at the Quezon Memorial Circle Cultural Center of the Philippines. This upcoming event is led by a Beauty, Brains, and Breastfeeding (BBB), a nonprofit and lactation consulting organization committed to promote, support and protect the rights of the breastfeeding mother and her child.*

BBB has the UNICEF, the International Labor Organization (ILO), as well as local government agencies, as its staunch partners in implementing its goals.
The event was introduced to online media through a press launch a couple of months ago at Recess by Chef Chris.

BBB’s partnership with international and local agencies strengthens them to fulfill their main mission, which is to uphold breastfeeding in emergencies and in the workplace. Still, new mothers are not aware that it is their right to breastfeed even when working.
Other speakers included Henry Mdebwe of the UNICEF and Kate Demetrio of the National Nutrition Council. Mr. Mdebwe discussed the benefits of and the global policy on breastfeeding. Kate, on the other hand, gave us a picture on how formula feeding is an added risk during emergencies.
Media partners and bloggers were invited to this event. I got invited through Mommy Bloggers Philippines, a very supportive online community of mom bloggers.

In attendance were: Glaiza Tomino of Mommy Musings, Lanie Lluch of Tweenselmom, Jen Bave of I Am Mommy Bave, Nadia De Leon of NanayStrip, Bedalyn Aguas of MamiAndFamily, and yours truly.
Watch out our blogs for more about breastfeeding! Check out my own posts here.
Act fast and join the Nurture Run! Race kits cost P450 which contains the race bib and a shirt. Get your race kits here. Not only will you run and be fit this summer, you will also help increase awareness in this really natural act of breastfeeding. This summer, #LetsBeReal.
~ Touringkitty