“Welcome to the Milk Mama Diaries Carnival (May). This carnival is dedicated to all moms, celebrating Mother’s Day today. Participants will share various topics covering A Breastfeeding Mother’s Top Ten List. Please scroll down to the end of this post and check out the other carnival participants.”
With all the stresses I’ve been experiencing the past weeks — daily Aria rituals (cooking and preparing her food, bathing her, playing with her, putting her to those precious and hard-to-achieve naps and bedtime), pumping milk thrice a week, part-time work in and out of home, et cetera, I deserve a good laugh trip.
Unfortunately, it had to be Aria, who else.
During the course of my eight-month breastfeeding experience (and we are not stopping anytime soon!), I have curiously taken note of how my daughter nursed. She’s nursed in different positions, occasions, schedules, and places.
I listed Aria’s ten habits while breastfeeding (in no particular order). Let some of the pictures tell the story.
Oh, and before I forget, Happy Mothers’ Day to all the mothers. Yey, mommies truly rock!
1. She nurses while she’s crying, as if she hasn’t nursed for a really looooong time (even if it was really just five minutes ago!) She talks (or mumbles) while she breastfeeds. This baby is amazingly talkative. And she has been squealing a lot lately. Add to that, she’s teething (she’s got two teeth on her lower gumline already) so imagine how she talks while she feeds. Ouch!
2. She listens to whoever is talking while she nurses. Or to whatever new sound she might hear — a new voice, utensils falling, door banging, car horns, sirens, helicopters. Did I tell you she’s very “chismosa?”
3. She nurses on her tummy, especially when she has a hard time to sleep.
4. She jumps out of my breast to watch TV, especially when she hears the closing credits music (yes, CLOSING CREDITS MUSIC) of her favorite cartoons – Little Einsteins, Angelina Ballerina, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves and laughs while watching the scrolling text that goes with the music.
5. She loves to scratches whatever is at hand, like my breasts, her other arm, or my underarm.
6. She raises her hand like Hitler. I can’t understand why.
7. She would nurse for a few minutes and jump off me onto the bed because she’s about to sleep.
8. Or she would nurse for up to one and a half hour while we’re both napping, and when she senses that I opened my eyes, she would, too.
9. She holds her feet way up high.
10. She looks at me as if she’s saying, “Thank you, Mommy, for the sweet yummy milk.”
And smile after she’s content with the milk she just drank.
Oh, how I love my little Energizer Bunny. Hope you also have a yummy milky breastfeeding experience.
My hubby joined the carnival, too! I’m super proud. He’s the only daddy who joined 🙂
Other posts from fab mommies below.