#KoristaAko: Jimmy Chung

Korista Ako

Welcome to another #KoristaAko post. Just to get things more fun, I have an exciting raffle at the end of this post, so read on.

I still can’t figure out how adult colouring books came into mainstream here in our country. It was all of a sudden and your local bookstore shelves are filled with books and colored pens and pencils. You thought it’s for kids only? Well, think again!

A few weeks back, I had the privilege of meeting a new korista in one of the choirs in our church. And what a surprise, he is also a young artist who launched his own colouring book! Yup, and he is gracious to give Touringkitty and Korista Ako readers a chance to get their own copy, for free!

What’s even surprising is he introduced himself to me as one of the young members of the Chiang Kai Shek Children’s Choir whom I was able to give a workshop to at the CCP Hands-On Choral Workshop back in 2006. Let’s get to know him more in this Korista Ako post:

Jimmy Chung
Living the artist’s life. Photo from Jimmy’s Facebook page.

Name: Jimmy E. Chung

Current profession: Freelance singer and artist. He won various awards in drawing competitions inside and outside the country. “KALINGA,” my first paperclay art was exhibited in Resorts World Manila and Manila Ocean Park last august 2015. Also he is a private art teacher since 2009.

Choirs joined: Chiang Kai Shek Youth Choir (2000-2010) under Ms. Irma Tan Su. Currently under the Serenata Vocal Ensemble which sings at the Shrine of Jesus every Sunday afternoon.

Why did you join the choir?: I joined choir because since I was a kid, I love to sing and making music, I even compose songs with weird lyrics. But my childhood friends loved the song. They asked me to write the lyrics in a paper so they can also memorize. I always end up laughing when I remember that song.

What was that something or someone that influenced you?: When I was a kid, my mom always watch choir concerts in VHS and betamax. I always watched with her.

What is your favourite song arranged or composed for choir and why?: Ambo hato (arranged by Augusto Espino) is one of my favorite because it is so fun and challenging to sing. There are lots of variety within the song.

What was the hardest piece you’ve studied?: Awit ni Solomon. Its a 16 voice song. We used it for our competition in Thailand’s Voyage of Songs.

Any choir/s or vocal ensembles you look up to and why?: Of course none other than the Philippine Madrigal Singers! They create magic.

What is your most unforgettable choral moment?: When we joined the Voyage of Songs Choir Competition in Pattaya, Thailand and we won the Most Promising Choir award.
#KoristaAko dahil: Habang buhay ako aawit! Hinding hindi ko ipagpapalit ang musika sa kahit na anung bagay. Ito ay mananatiling nakaukit sa aking puso…magpakailanman.


Thank you for your generous answers, Jimmy!

And as promised, here’s a RAFFLE for you, coloring enthusiasts!


Jimmy recently launched this book called “Food for the Soul.” He graciously gave one to me to raffle off for Touringkitty readers. So, here’s your chance! He’s releasing a new one in the coming weeks, can’t wait to see that!

I have started one page, but have not done coloring! I will update as soon as I’m done with it.

Food for the Soul is an adult coloring book inspired by touching and motivational bible verses. Feel HIS presence and love as you bring life and color to each page. The book aims to transform our soul to be closer to HIM. Be inspired while coloring!

Win one through this raffle! Join through the widget below, or visit my Facebook page

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winners will be announced on November 8. Good luck!

#KoristaAko is powered by Touringkitty. Tune in for the latest post every last Wednesday of the month. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (all @touringkitty) for updates.

Judicael Perroy in Manila: From Bach to Villa-Lobos



Another great guitarist is coming to town: Judicael Perroy will have a concert on November 12 at the Abelardo Hall Auditorium, UP College of Music in Diliman, Quezon City. See more details below.

The Independent Philippine Art Ventures (IPAV) and Alliance Français de Manille (AFM) present an outstanding French guitarist in a concert at 7pm on November 12, Abelardo Hall, UP College of Music in Diliman, Quezon City.

Perroy is one of the most sought-after classical guitarists on the world stage. He has had rave reviews not only as a concertist but as an inspiring teacher as well. His students have also won prestigious international awards.

To open the concert on November 12, are outstanding and multi-awarded Filipino guitarists Roneil Santos and Aaron Aguila.

Perroy will also hold a master class for the country’s most promising young guitarists to teach them theory and technique in one-on-one sessions.

IPav was founded by classical guitarists and enthusiasts and has formed a solid alliance with AFM to promote classical music in the Philippines.

Concert tickets are at 1,000php (Patron), 500php (Regular) and 250php (Student). Tickets are available at TicketWorld, AFM and IPAV.

Inquiries regarding masterclasses and ticket reservation may also be addressed to ipavinc@gmail.com.

Know more about the artist:

Follow Perroy on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/judicael.perroy

Check his website: http://www.judicael-perroy.com/

Know more about Perroy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COxR2V6MGvA

Listen to his music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a_VlVvL_b8

Touringkittyps: Three unique (and meaningful) Halloween events for your kids

Real talk. I am not that keen in celebrating Halloween, even now that I have a kid. Besides, isn’t it that Halloween celebrations here in the country started just in the past decade?

As kids, our Halloween–make that All Souls Day– celebrations include the traditional viewing of a special “Magandang Gabi Bayan” episode on a Saturday night, either in our home or on one of our cousins or friends in the same compound. We’d scare each other out with the stories in the show, or literally playing “mumu,” or ghosts complete with blankets as makeshift costumes and flashlights as props. We’re happy crazy with that.

And now, so many Halloween events have sprouted, and even establishments are garbed up in orange/black Halloween fashion. Let’s celebrate it, with meaning and purpose! Here are three unique and meaningful events where you can take your children to.

1. Celebrate with orchestral music


Our favourite orchestra, the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra with its conductor, Maestro Olivier Ochanine, will have a special performance with…volcanoes?! “Tricks and Musical Treats, A PPO Family Concert” will feature a musical storytelling of Flowanda, the explorer of the land of Volcano Milava at the Cultural Center of the Philippines on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at the Tanghalang Nicanor Abelardo (CCP Main Theater) at 4:00 PM. There will be pre-concert activities starting at 2:30 PM which include a musical instruments petting zoo wherein children can experience playing different orchestral instruments assisted by the members of the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra. There will also be trick or treat and lobby activities. The children are encouraged to come in their costumes.

This is a good way to introduce orchestral music to our children, and children at heart. Not only that, watching this concert also shows your support for our local artists, music, culture and arts.

For more information, please call the CCP Marketing Department at 832-3704 or Ticketworld at 891-9999.

2. Celebrate with saints

Halloween is the eve of All Saints, which is the first day of Allhallowtide, the third day being All Souls’ Day (November 2nd). In the previous years, we get to celebrate this with a homeschooling group, called Rockers Philippines. Last year, Aria came in as St. Cecilia, patroness of musicians.

Aria as St. Cecilia. With some of the Rockers Kids at St. Rita de Cascia church in Philam Homes.
Aria as St. Cecilia. With some of the Rockers Kids at St. Rita de Cascia church in Philam Homes.

Christ the King Parish in Greenmeadows will have their Kingdom of Heaven Fair on October 31. Visit their Facebook page for more details.


3. Celebrate as a superhero

Trick or treat for a cause! UNICEF is calling on all superheroes to raise funds for children in need. Visit any Toy Kingdom branch to get your Trick or treat kit, or UNICEF Philippines website for details.

Take your pick, or do all three! And celebrate a unique and meaningful Halloween with your family.

Looking for more activities? While it might seem dangerous skating is a great activity for kids, check out Skate Hq’s “kids hockey gear” to learn more.


~ Touringkitty

CONTEST ALERT: Regroe’s Like, Share, and Win

Losing hair? Don’t lose hope.

For 28 years, Minoxidil Regroe has been a reliable hair partner for problems of the crowning glory.

Want to try their product? Get a chance to WIN some Regroe Gift Certificates through these easy steps:



1. Like Minoxidil Regroe’s official Facebook page Minoxidil Regroe or Follow Regroe’s Instagram account @minoxidilregroe

a. You can either like or follow or do both for more chances of winning.

2. Share this photo publicly and tag us and 3 of your friends with a hashtag #RegroeAt28

a. You can share the photo as many times as you can

3. Four lucky winners will win Php 3,000 worth of Dermclinic Gift Certificates.

a. 2 winners from Facebook and 2 winners from Instagram

4. Promo runs from October 5, 2015 to October 30, 2015.

5. Winners will be announced on October 31, 2015 thru our Facebook page and Instagram account and will receive a personal message.

6. Winners can claim their prizes at Regroe’s Head office in Makati.

Join now!

Mein Geburtstag

(Seriously, I can’t think of a title for this blogpost, so that’s what I can best think of right now.)

Wala na sa kalendaryo best describes my age. I won’t deny, it’s part of life.

But anyways, I celebrated the whole day long. As per tradition, on the eve of our birthdays, my husband and I waited for 12 midnight for the birthday salubong. Then upon waking up the next morning, I offered a rosary and did some meditation (my husband and I practice Transcendental Meditation, albeit I practice not so often anymore). I prayed for friends who celebrated the same birthdate as mine, and celebrants for the whole month of September. September is special to me since it is also the birth month of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

My mom and sister brought us breakfast in our condo–PAKAPLOG! Pandesal, kape, itlog, FTW. And some banoons for little girl.

And look, the colours are from the Inside Out movie characters! The little kid is delighted!
And look, the colours! Inside Out movie characters! The kid is delighted.

Then my mom and sister gifted me with a body scrub, so that was one of the agendas in the morning.

Then, just brought home some Binalot for lunch–just in time for the noontime show (#alamnathis). =)

One of my voice students had a performance the following day, so I had to coach her (yes, work on my birthday!). Then I was off to hear Mass before my birthday family dinner.

Where else, but Teriyaki Boy! And here we are doing the you-know-what, haha!
Where else, but Teriyaki Boy! And here we are doing the you-know-what, haha!
My husband joined us for dinner after his work, traveling from faraway Quezon City all the way to Mall of Asia.
My husband joined us for dinner after his work, traveling from faraway Quezon City all the way to Mall of Asia.

And lastly, dessert! Which was also the birthday cake. THE birthday cake of all birthday cakes.

Death. By. Tablea.
Death. By. Tablea.

Need I say more? =)

To everyone who greeted me through text message, Facebook message, through the photo my husband posted on his Facebook, through email, a huge THANKS for remembering. Thank you for the kindness you’ve shown me and my family, for the friendship, the gifts, the thoughtfulness.

And as a treat for my blog readers, here’s what I have posted a day before my birthday. Let’s march in the light of God!

Touringkitty music: Angel of God

Today, October 2nd, is the Solemnity of the Guardian Angels.

Ariadne loves to pray to her Guardian Angel. The Prayer to the Guardian Angel is the first prayer she learned and memorised since she was about two or three years old.

Ariadne acted as an angel during our church's Palm Sunday Mass for this year's Holy Week.
Ariadne acted as an angel during our church’s Palm Sunday Mass for this year’s Holy Week.

It goes like this:

Angel of God, my Guardian dear,

to whom His love commits me here,

ever this day (or night) be at my side,

to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.


Source: Catholic Online


One night, when my daughter was around three, and praying this before we slept, a melody entered my head. I put the words into that melody, and sang that to my daughter since. Now she’s memorised the melody by heart, and here we are ready to share this wonderful prayer-song with you.

This is a non-pro recording, which we did last Monday, September 29, Solemnity of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael.

Be blessed, be a blessing!

~ Touringkitty

Plan W Sing Philippines Choral Leadership Program for Women Conductors

Singing is second nature to Filipinos. Everywhere you go–whether at churches, schools, companies, or barangays, people can easily join in singing and carry a tune, which eventually turns into a beautiful harmony when done together.

A few decades ago, a woman had a vision of a Singing Philippines. What better way to promote unity and harmony than with music? And so, with this vision in mind, and through her leadership, numerous choral groups were born, mentored, nurtured, and making names for their own. And from these choirs, conductors were also born.

A great opportunity is presented to women conductors in collaboration with a multinational company, Diageo Philippines. As part of their community investment program, called Plan W, they have partnered with the Andrea O. Veneracion Singing Philippines Initiative to carry out the Plan W Sing Philippines Choral Leadership Program, which seeks to give intensive training to 35 Filipino women choral conductors.



The program highlights high-level training from the best choral conductors and music teachers in the country. The Program Director is Mark Anthony Carpio, choirmaster of the Philippine Madrigal Singers. Application is free, and the program includes free training, plus board and lodging for accepted provincial participants.

If you or anyone you know is interested to apply, download the application packet in this link: http://bit.ly/1N6A8NK.



#KoristaAko: Touringkitty

Yup, that's my choir there!
Yup, that’s my choir there!

And yes, just because it’s my birth month, it’s my turn to answer for #KoristaAko! I realised I wasn’t even able to answer these questions for myself, so this should be fun.

For those who are not yet aware, Korista Ako has a Facebook Group Community already! Shoot me a private message at www.facebook.com/touringkitty so I could add you up.

Here we go!

In my most recent trip last June 2015. So glad to have done this again, and grateful for the opportunity.
In my most recent trip last June 2015. So glad to have done this again, and grateful for the opportunity.

Name: Mary Louise Macanaya Alcantara. Call me Em, or Touringkitty!

Current profession: Musician, educator, homeschooling mom, beautiful wife of a writer/CorpComm Manager/tenor chorister, church volunteer, choral conductorLATCH Breastfeeding Peer Counselor, Contributing writer (PraySing Ministry, The Master Newsletter), Social Media Manager, part-timer in a lot of things.

Choirs joined: Blessed Elena Academy Glee Club (Grade school to high school), Mater Dolorosa Chorale (high school to college), Entwined Voices, Shrine of Jesus Music Ministry, Philippine Madrigal Singers, and many more wherein I was invited to be guest chorister.

Why did you join the choir? What was that something or someone that influenced you?: My mom would always sit near the choir when we go to Mass, so that’s probably my first exposure to choral music. The members of a particular group invited me to join them when I was in junior high, and I have been “choiring” for half of my life now. I really am amazed at how many voices can sound good together, and am always in awe when I hear choral music. The artistry, musicianship, hard work put into each chord really is commendable.

Another perk I got from joining choirs is traveling–for free! I must say, God led me to singing with choirs to experience His wonderful creation, and for that I am very thankful. Our first chorus class in college brought us to Baguio and Laguna for a concert tour of the UP College of Music. Another choir invited me to join their concert in Mindoro, still during college. Then came the Madz, where I was able to travel A LOT (three times in Europe, two in the US and some Asian countries, and all over the Philippines) AND join milestone competitions (and actually winning them!). And just recently, I was invited to join a performing group in a trip to Europe to participate in an important festival in Prague, and concertise in a couple more countries.

What is your favourite song arranged or composed for choir and why?: My favourite is Prayer of St. Francis (Delgado). Its arrangement always gets into my heart, and it’s my favourite prayer, too.

What was the hardest piece you’ve studied? Probably this one, which we had to memorise! This is A Day in Spring, a Korean contemporary choral music setting. There were quite a number of actions/facial expressions which the composer wanted us to execute. Watch this video and listen how one beautiful spring day sounds like.

Any choir/s or vocal ensembles you look up to and why?: Local: Madz, Ateneo Chamber Singers, The Company, among others. Foreign acts: Swingle Singers, King’s Singers, The Real Group, etc. Among the younger ones would include Acapellago, Pentatonix, and Cimorelli. I particularly liked these groups because of their musicality and the varied repertoire they all know.

What is your most unforgettable choral moment?: When Sir Mark (Carpio, Madz choirmaster) assigned to me a very important task in the Madz–pitchgiver. We were in the tour already, and were hosted, so he made a call to my hosts’ home phone, and there he told me the beginning pitches of that night’s repertoire. The rest, as they say, is history. I am so grateful for that trust he gave me, despite my fears and doubts and uncertainties.

#KoristaAko dahil: Lahat ng Pilipino kayang maging korista! Mas masaya kumanta kapag sama-sama.



#KoristaAko is powered by Touringkitty. Tune in for the latest post every last Wednesday of the month. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates.

PRESS RELEASE: Asia E- Commerce Expo 2015


10 StartUp Innovators will have a chance to “Pitch In” at Asia E- Commerce Expo 2015.

Asia E- Commerce Expo 2015 is happening on November 25, 2015 at SMX Convention Center, Taguig from 8AM to 6PM with more than 20 speakers and expecting 300 attendees plus 30 exhibitors to showcase their products and services.

The main objective of the event is to empower the start up inovators and traditional organizations to adapt E-Commerce & to learn from the following sessions and discussions about; EPrivacy, Elogistics, EPayments, Market Analysis, Digital Marketing, CRM, Strategy, E- Commerce and Going Global.

The organizers will present also 10 Start Up Innovators who submitted their profiles to share to the attendees their products and services and possibly to meet their prospective partners if looking. We are giving each Start Up Companies 5 minutes to present their innovation, company profiles, products and services for everyone to see.

#AECoE is not just about learning, empowerment and inspiration but a potential future collaboration that’s why we allot time for networking. Speakers confirmed are as follows plus 5 more awaiting for their confirmation;

• Constantin Robertz- Managing Director, Zalora
• Lars Jeppesen- CEO, Tech One Global
• Jacqueline Van Den Ende- Managing Director, Lamudi
• Kristian Melquiades- General Manager, Viber
• Janette Toral- Founder, Digital Club Filipino
• Subir Lohani- Managing Director, Carmudi
• Chinkee Tan- Book Author and Radio Host
• Robert Yupangco- CEO, Yupangco Group of Companies
• Frederic Levy- Founder & CEO, CashCashPinoy
• Camille Montejo- CEO, Tree Top Adventure Inc.
• Bjorn Pardo- CEO, Xend Business Solutions
• Quentin Boucher- Managing Director, Ensogo
• Amor Maclang- Director for Communications, Geiser Maclang Marketing Communications Inc.
• Mannix Pabalan- CEO, Hashtag Digital

• Chris Kiklas- President, EmLogis
• Pocholo Gonzales- CEO, Creativoices Production
• Spanky Enriquez- Corporate Communications Consultant

Speakers are leaders from different industries and engaged in momentous pursuits of significance to the ASEAN region. Attendees are senior business people, high-ranking government officials and media journalists.

Registration Fee per delegate: Php 3,000.00 (Inclusion: Snacks, Elegant Buffet Lunch, Conference and Expo.)

3 easy steps to register.

1. Deposit the registration fee to
TAG Media and Public Relations
BPI Checking Account # 1680 0010 29

2. Scan the deposit slip
3. Send the scanned copy to maria@asiaecommerce.ph

For those who are interested in the “Pitch In” Session. You can still submit your profile on or before September 30, 2015. The chosen companies will be included in the program/agenda.

For more info please check http://l.facebook.com/l/PAQGVCU_LAQFIYs6ZbQoro6bJFAh5ipODydIQZDZdVNOiQA/www.asiaecommerce.ph & for partnership/sponsorship, please contact the organizer at 09166299381 or atmaria@asiaecommerce.ph

Manila Workshops: Philippine Homeschool Conference 2015

UPDATE: JOIN the Raffle to get ONE All-Access Pass from Manila Workshops! Read below.

Philippine Homeschool Conference 2015.

I still can’t believe we’re homeschooling already! My daughter is now in Kinder 2 under a provider, and despite all the doubts, groping, busy schedules, and the drama of everyday life, we are doing fine. Nothing’s more rewarding than seeing your child enjoy what she’s doing–as to her own words, enjoy playing while learning.

Last year, I attended a Homeschool Conference organized by Manila Workshops and The Learning Basket. It was a sea of familiar faces yet an unfamiliar field–homeschooling. This year’s another opportunity for the curious bees to learn about homeschooling, the whats and hows would it benefit your families.

Happening on October 17 at the Samsung Hall and SMX Convention Center in SM Aura, this whole day event features two special guest speakers from the US. The event is organized by the Homeschoolers Association of the Philippines, The LEarning Basket, and Manila Workshops.

Sign up here, and enter the Referral Code TKEAHOMESCHCONF2 when prompted.

Happy homeschooling!

If you want to WIN an all-access pass for the event, join here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway