Manila Workshops: Work at Home Expo 2015

Work at Home Expo 2015.

For some, it seems to be impossible working at home. But it can be done. I do right now.

And you may want to explore that opportunity as well.

Attend the biggest work at home expo happening once a year, organized by Manila Workshops and the WAHMderful Life Community, the Work at Home Expo 2015 on September 26.

This year, there will be more speakers, more talks, more in store for the attendees. Check out the event schedule and registration here.

The Work at Home Expo is like your one-stop shop for the freelancer in you. So, do join this one-day event and be empowered to work, even in the comfort of your own home.

Acapellago performs at Enchanted Kingdom on September 13

My daughter and I have been listening to a lot of a cappella music lately. Apart from choirs, we like small ensembles of about five or six members.

We love singing. We are fascinated with how the human voice alone can produce such harmonies. My five year old sees and hears me teach voice so she imitates when we vocalize or sing. She likes a cappella acts who does covers of pop songs like Cimorelli and Pentatonix. I let her listen to these great groups like The CompanY, Swingle Singers or King’s Singers, and she appreciates them as well.

Our recent discovery is from our own country, and they have given pride already by winning top prizes both here and abroad.

*Photo from’s news article about their recent win.

Their name sounds familiar? It’s a good nameplay of a cappella (what their music is) and archipelago (what our country’s structure is like). They’ve won the 2013 Akapela Open presented by One Meralco Foundation and PLDT-Smart Foundation. Two months ago, they won the Gold Award and was declared champion in the International Category of the 2015 A Capella Championships held in Singapore.

They will be back to Singapore on October for the International A Cappella Festival. Get your tickets for their October 31 concert on this link.

Check this sample video on their page and listen to them. They like Pentatonix, too!

Want to hear more from them? You can, too! They are set to perform this Sunday at Enchanted Kingdom in Laguna.

Weekend shows at Enchanted Kingdom. From the Enchanted Kingdom Facebook Page.
Weekend shows at Enchanted Kingdom. From the Enchanted Kingdom Facebook Page.

Our favourite local theme park is turning 20 already! And you can get a chance to WIN tickets to Enchanted Kingdom so you can get to watch Acapellago! How?

LIKE, SHARE and WIN 5 tickets (Unlimited Rides) to ENCHANTED KINGDOM and watch ACAPELLAGO Live on September 13, Sunday!

How? Like Acapellago’s FB Page and share the poster on your walls with the hashtags ‪#‎acapellago‬ ‪#‎acapellagoatenchantedkingdom‬ ‪#‎EKcountdownto20withVIVA‬ ‪#‎mtvpilipinas‬

Link to poster here:

The more shares, the more chances of winning. 2 winners of 5 tickets each will be electronically drawn on Sunday morning.


Mabuhay ang a cappella music!


~ Touringkitty

Ariadne is Five

I still can’t believe I have a five year old already. Half a decade already with a lovely little girl who makes our lives brighter, more focused, and more blissful.

Here’s a look back at her previous birthday celebrations. We wanted to keep everything simple for the little one, and I know that’s how she likes them, too.

Fresh from the oven! This is the evening when I gave birth to her.
Fresh from the oven! This is the evening when I gave birth to her.

After the 11 monthly mini-celebrations, we celebrated her first year of life with, what else, but a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed party at McDonald's! Batang McDo mom here.
After the 11 monthly mini-celebrations, we celebrated her first year of life with, what else, but a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed party at McDonald’s! Batang McDo mom here.

We chose to celebrate her second year in Friday's. Yes, you guessed it right, it was a Friday on August 31, 2012.
We chose to celebrate her second year in Friday’s. Yes, you guessed it right, it was a Friday on August 31, 2012. It was just a simple family celebration of about five people–us three including my mom and sister.

On Aria's third birthday, I had to attend a whole day seminar. So we chose to celebrate as a family at Friday's again, only because the discount card we got the previous year was expiring on Aria's birthday!
On Aria’s third birthday, I had to attend a whole day seminar. So we chose to celebrate as a family at Friday’s again, only because the discount card we got the previous year was expiring on Aria’s birthday!

Aria wanted a party of her own for her fourth, after attending too many birthday parties of friends. So Mommy prayed for provision, and God gave it to us. Plus, this was the year that Hello Kitty themed parties at Jollibee was launched. Perfect timing! We invited a few friends and family to join the celebration.
Aria wanted a party of her own for her fourth, after attending too many birthday parties of friends. So Mommy prayed for provision, and God gave it to us. Hello Kitty themed parties at Jollibee were available that time! We invited our beloved family and friends to the celebration.
For her fifth birthday, we didn’t plan anything, but her birthday seemed to have planned itself, and spanning four days, from Friday to Monday, her actual birthday.

Disney’s Frozen perhaps would be Aria’s favourite video for like forever! It’s such a timeless tale created in the modern times, kudos to its creators. And of course that the music was created by a Filipino, makes us proud because it speaks a lot of heart and soul! Even I would sometimes shed a tear whenever I play “Do you want to build a Snowman?” on piano with my daughter singing.

So, imagine my daughter finding out that we got an invitation for the Frozen Fever Meet and Greet, right on her birthday weekend! Good thing that we were invited to the media event the day before it opened to the public, we got to see them before everyone else!


Check out a video of the media event here.  

Found us? We’re on the 35 second mark! (Video credit goes to Kid’s Toys channel, which Aria watches sometimes on Youtube–we’re subscribed actually to their channel!).

In the evening, we went to a ballet performance of Ballet Manila. As of the moment, they’re now our favourite ensemble! And we went with these kids and their teachers and parents from Food for Hungry Minds. Such a happy birthday for my little girl who shared her blessings with them.

It was my mom’s birthday on that Saturday, August 29th. This is the only day of that weekend the Hi-5 Gang of the family could be complete, so we thought of the best way to celebrate it: RED BOX!
Candle blowing ceremonies going on for the two birthday ladies!
Candle blowing ceremonies going on for the two birthday ladies!

Sunday was church day for us. But we still had something in store for the little bunny in the afternoon.

I just came down from the choir loft after the Mass, and got a perfect spot to take a shot of my loves being granted a special blessing by one of our priest-friends, Fr. Tony Atole.
I just came down from the choir loft after the Mass, and got a perfect spot to take a shot of my loves being granted a special blessing by one of our priest-friends, Fr. Tony Atole.

How and why would I not attend if the one who invited you for her event is your idol? Yes, Tintin Babao personally extended the invitation for her storytelling session at the Philippine Literary Festival, when we crossed paths on Greenbelt a few days prior, during the LATCH USB event. So, there we went on the event. Super glad to meet their family as well.

And finally, on Aria’s birthday, which was incidentally National Heroes Day (that makes it a national HOLIDAY!), and since it was also the last day of the Frozen meet and greet, Aria wanted to take this chance to go back, this time in a different costume.

It's Aurora this time! And as she approached Anna, she said, "It's my birthday today!" And she received the warmest hugs.
It’s Aurora this time! And as she approached Anna, she said, “It’s my birthday today!” And she received the warmest hugs.
We thought it was the end of the celebration. Another surprise treat came from my sister, who treated me, my daughter, and my mom for a morning of Disney Live at the new Kia Theater in Araneta Center Cubao last September 5.

Birthday girls before showtime.
Birthday girls before showtime.
That was such a fun fifth birthday celebration. I can’t remember having that when I was little.

So, now’s the emo-moment of this post.


Dearest Baby Bunny Ariadne,

I can’t praise and thank God enough for entrusting you to us. His Name is praised now and forever.

You are a great blessing to our family and to our community. Your bright smiles, infectious laughter, charm, wit, and humour make us all believe that life is beautiful. 

You are so generous, so thoughtful, so caring, especially to me and to Daddy Bunbun. You may be kulit at times but your kindness remain.

Thank you for making Mommy strong. Giving birth to you came naturally–literally nad figuratively. Thank you too for teaching Mommy to ask help, for reminding Mommy to slow down sometimes.

Thank you for allowing me to nourish you through my own milk. And thank you for being part of my breastfeeding advocacy as well. You have not stopped at five years but I don’t mind.

Thank you for allowing Mommy to work sometimes. You know that I do it because Mommy has to do it, and that Mommy likes to do it. Don’t worry, we will have lots of bonding time when work is done.

Thank you for praying with Mommy Bunny always. I like that we begin and end the day with prayer, as well as every meal (and you even remind me and Daddy if we forget!). Thank you for always praying for the sick especially the children, and lifting them up to Our Lady of Lourdes.

Thank you for being a great homeschooler. Keep it up, little learner! Last year your award was Most Helpful. We’ll see what your award this year will be.

Thank you for being a simple girl, for not asking for too much, for understanding Mommy and Daddy all the time, for sharing with us what you’re eating.

Thank you for being you. I love you. I am glad you choose me to be your mom.



Mommy Bunny Em

Touringkitty Cooks: Dump-it-all Tuna Mushroom Pasta

Cooking at home takes up most of my mornings (or evenings). I usually spend 95% of my kitchen time in preparing the food, then 5% goes to the actual eating.

But with my often busy schedule, I would rather rely on eating out, taking home food, or food delivery. Less effort, but often with more cost.

What to do, then?

Chopped up veggies are my best friend nowadays. No more tedious cutting, just open the pack and voila, your ingredients are ready!

My kitchen buddy, all chopped up!
My kitchen buddy, all chopped up!

And here’s a recipe my daughter and I love the most. No cutting or measuring needed. Just DUMP-IT-ALL!



1 250g pack Pasta Spirals (you may also use Penne, Macaroni, or Vegeroni for added colour)

1 small can Tuna in Light Oil, drained

1 can Jolly Mushroom Pieces and Stems

Half bar of cheese slices (the more, the cheesier!)

Olive oil

Salt to taste



1. Cook pasta according to directions. Drain.

2. In the same pot, add some olive oil. Then dump all the ingredients together!

3. Mix, mix, mix. Cook for about 5 minutes. Then…

Dump-it-all Tuna Mushroom Pasta. Done in less than 20 minutes!
Voila! Dump-it-all Tuna Mushroom Pasta. Done in less than 20 minutes!

This has proven to be a no-fail recipe for my daughter. She loves this dish and I like it too because it is a complete meal in itself–carbs, veggies, and protein all in one bowl.


How about you, how do you #makeitjolly in your kitchen?


~ Touringkitty

Loving mommyhood

I never imagined I would love being a mother. For the past five years, my life had been crazy happy, and all because of a little girl named Ariadne.

My little one all grown up.
My little one all grown up.

I love that we have so much time together, that we get to homeschool her. She’s now in Kinder and so far, she’s doing good.

The family loves having meals together, so whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, we make sure to sit down and eat together.

I also love that I can sometimes bring her to work, so she gets to know the world she might be in in the future, if she chooses to.

She loves watching a concert, be it choral, symphonic, dance, or theatrical. She appreciates music, art, and dance so much.

Did I already mention we love to eat, a lot? We also love to prepare our own meals, too. And good thing these snacks came in our way.

We made some delicious pudding snacks using a new product launched by Milna Philippines last month. Easy to make, yummy to eat snacks for your little ones. This is our favourite mom and daughter moment–preparing food.

She loves that she calls me mommy. There is nothing sweeter that that, I believe. Someone depends on me, looks up to me, and loves me the simplest, purest way she knows. And she is my daughter, my own. Whose heart would not melt with that!

How do you #LoveMommyhood? Care to share? 


~ Touringkitty

Disney Frozen Forever Meet & Greet

Oh yes, who doesn’t LOVE Frozen? 


My daughter and I had a special chance to meet them just this afternoon, for the by-invitation event. And of course, my little Elsa fan came prepared.

I wil save the event photos and stories for another post. I have some on Instagram though (follow @touringkitty). You have to visit and check the real deal! They came from Disneyland California for this special event only for Manila fans!

Meanwhile, here’s your chance to meet Princess Anna and Elsa of Arendelle on their visit to Manila and South East Asia!
 Date and Venue:

August 29 to 31, 2015 – Main Mall Atrium, SM Mall of Asia

*Queuing starts at 11:00 AM. Event ends at 7:00 PM.


1. Event is open to the general public. No minimum spend required.

2. First come, first serve policy applies. Subject to availability.

3. Each group shall be issued 1 stub before the Meet & Greet session.

4. Please use own camera. Strictly one (1) photograph per family/group.

5. Food, drinks, strollers and sharp & pointed objects are not allowed in the event area. Participants can deposit their strollers to the Meet & Greet crew and claim as they exit the event area.

6. Children must be accompanied, supervised at all times and not be left unattended.

7. Please always take care of your personal belongings and valuables.
Follow Toy Kingdom online. Visit our online store at Find us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Youtube: ToyKingdomPH  

#KoristaAko: Carlo Zenarosa

Korista Ako

Nurse by day, chorister by night (and perhaps weekends). This is no unusual set up, and I really admire people who can fulfill both professional and artistic aspects of their lives.

I know there are many a Filipino choral groups abroad, and it is such a great thought that Filipinos in all corners of the world don’t stop making music! Here is our next Korista Ako feature, a Filipino nurse and chorister who now resides in the US, Carlo Zenarosa. Carlo is currently a member of the United Nations Singers, composed of choristers of different nationalities, who recently had goodwill performances in Japan.

Korista of the month, Carlo Zenarosa. Photo credit: Carlo Zenarosa.
Korista of the month, Carlo Zenarosa. Photo credit: Carlo Zenarosa.

Name: Carlo Zenarosa

Current profession: Registered Nurse

Choirs joined:
1. De La Salle College Grade School Choir
2. Class choirmaster 1st year HS for inter-year Christmas choral competition.
3. Musica Armonica Youth Ensemble (with Madz alumna Bernadette de Leon choirmaster)
4. San Lorenzo Ruiz Choir of New York 2010-current (with Leo Leal and Enrico Lagasca as choirmasters with founder-original choirmaster)
5. United Nations Singers 2015-current.

Favourite song arranged and composed for choir: He mentioned a number of songs, but among these his most favourite would be Take and Receive, an Ignatian prayer.

Hardest piece to study: Cayabyab’s Anima Christi

Choirs I look up to: Madz, UST Singers, King’s Singers, Manhattan Transfer

Most unforgettable choir moment: Impressing Cardinal Tagle at a mass presented with an honorary degree in Fordham University. Unable to get a picture while in the choir section, the archbishop leaves after mass with the crowd. The choir decides to take a group shot while the jam-packed church guests go to reception. Cardinal Tagle left his entourage, comes out of nowhere and joins the choir for the group picture. #floored #humbled #selfie

This was the photo he was talking about, with our beloved Cardinal!
This was the photo he was talking about, with our beloved Cardinal!

#KoristaAko dahil: Naniniwala ako na ang musika –sa kalawakan ng genre at classification — ay may mga kanta na mas maibabahagi lamang sa samahan at areglo ng mga boses ng iba’t ibang ranges o seksyon.

The United Nations Singers in their most recent performance in Hiroshima, Japan, August 2015.
The United Nations Singers in their most recent performance in Hiroshima, Japan, August 2015.

Thank you, Carlo for sharing your thoughts! What a great way to represent one’s nation than with song.


#KoristaAko is powered by Touringkitty. Tune in for the latest post every last Wednesday of the month. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates.

REVIEW: Primomo Washable Crayons

We got some new crayons to try out, and give a review on. What fun it is to write on this blog!

Ready to unbox!
Ready to unbox!

Here they are, Primomo Washable Crayons made in Japan!

So, the crayons are supposed to be non-toxic, worry-free, and keeps hands clean. They are also washable, easy to hold, scented, and erasable. Time to put it in a test!

My daughter immediately drew a rainbow and some figures. She first asked me if they were donuts. And yes, they smell good!
My daughter immediately drew a rainbow and some figures. She first asked me if they were donuts. And yes, they smell good!

She can hold it anyway she wants, but since she knows how to hold a pencil, she first found it funny to hold inside the ring. But she did well here!

Now, for the eraser test.

Red crayon sample.
Red crayon sample.
Eraser sample. The eraser came with the crayons, but I have not tried if you can use any type of eraser, though.
Eraser sample. The eraser came with the crayons, but I have not tried if you can use any type of eraser, though.

It got erased, right? Though I have not yet done it fully. I think I could have erased it more.

The product looks really safe to use and non-toxic. I also liked the texture of the crayon itself, and you won’t feel sticky after using it. Some crayons would have residue on your hands or paper after you use them.

Although, I think this crayon is just for the beginner child only. I don’t think this would work well in your adult colouring books because you might not control the grip well. This is a good product for your young child as he discovers and strengthens his fine motor skills by colouring.

Get these super safe crayons for your little ones at these branches. Available at selected Fully Booked or Toys R Us branches (click link for full list then pull down Primomo menu). It is also available online through

Thanks to Mommy Bloggers Philippines for letting us try these!


Express Yourself: an afternoon of fun, games, and learning for moms and kids

Last Saturday, August 15th, we were a few of the lucky ones to witness the preview of Disney Pixar’s much anticipated movie, “Inside Out.”

But before watching the film, moms and kids were treated to an afternoon of learning and bonding through the Express Yourself Parenting Workshop, organized by SM Cinema and its official food unit, Snack Time, and the country’s top parenting magazine and website, Smart Parenting.

My little cute girl. Such a charmer!
My little cute girl. Such a charmer! Before the program started, the kids had a chance to colour Inside Out characters.
With Joy, I mean, the host for the event, Mary Viernes.
With Joy, I mean, the host for the event, Mary Viernes.

The program consisted of talks about food and colour.

With Good Housekeeping's Food Editor, Chef Roselle Miranda, who gave tips on how to make quick and easy bento lunches.
With Good Housekeeping’s Food Editor, Chef Roselle Miranda, who gave tips on how to make quick and easy bento lunches.
Since the characters of the movie, Inside Out were just colourful, the event also had Mark Dean Lim of Color Me Doodle talk about colours and their meaning.
Since the characters of the movie, Inside Out were just colourful, the event also had Mark Dean Lim of Color Me Doodle talk about colours and their meaning.

The Activity Center of SM Aura was filled with various booths and activities to choose from. Food and drinks were also served.

Moms and kids listening to the talks.
Moms and kids listening to the talks.
Photobooth to capture the happy faces. Joy indeed.
Photobooth to capture the happy faces. Joy indeed.
Kids being happy and content playing with these Krispy Kreme balloons.
Kids being happy and content playing with these Krispy Kreme balloons.

Moms got to try some pampering, too! I tried out hand paraffin and back massage from Bioessences, one of the sponsors of the event.

After which, at five in the afternoon, we went up a floor to the cinemas for the exclusive preview of Inside Out.

The movie is already showing since August 19, and I’d really recommend it for parents and kids alike. This is a good movie to teach emotions to children. And it will make us proud that a Filipino co-directed the movie. Indeed we are making waves in the arts!

So, come visit your nearest SM Cinema to watch Inside Out!

Once again, a huge thanks to Smart Parenting for the invitation, and SM Cinema and Snack Time for organizing this event! The pre-movie activities prepped us all for the movie, as we have created wonderful memories with our children. Another ball of Joy in their memory bank, or perhaps in their Core Memory! Ok, better watch before I spoil too much!


~ Touringkitty


About SM Cinema

The pioneer brand of SM Lifestyle Entertainment Inc, SM Cinema begun in 1986 as SM’s household brand for movie watching. Now encompassing 60% of the country’s total market share for cinema and exhibition, SM Cinema boasts of 284 fully digitized theatres in 51 branches nationwide, and three big brands under its name. As the front-runner in theatre innovation, SM Cinema will be expanding to more regions, and building more cinema screens in a branch near you. SM Cinema is the country’s leader in movie entertainment.

About Snack Time

The sole food concession unit of SM Cinema, Snack Time is also available at the Mall of Asia Arena, Exploreum, SM Bowling Center, SM Skating Rink, and in WM Cinemas. Snack Time offers a wide variety of food: from snacks such as popcorn, burgers, sandwiches, corndogs, and drinks to meals fit to be served at formal events, Snack Time is one of the biggest food operators in the entertainment and lifestyle business. Snack Time is also the merchandise arm of SMLEI.

Online Javascript Course for Beginners

Javascript is the programming language of the HTML and the web. Back then, I thought that learning Javascript was only for the gamer nerds. I felt I can never learn it.

But fret not, because there is an online course for the curious cats like I am who’d like to learn about Javascript.

javascriptforbeginnersThrough the online learning portal, Udemy,we can now take a Javascript Course for Beginners.

What’s even interesting is we can learn anytime, anywhere, because the course can be accessed in our portable devices using iOS and Android. Plus, we get a Certificate of Completion. It’s like taking a short course in a computer school without the hassle of commuting and paying high tuition fees!

Some need-to-knows before taking the course:

What are the requirements?

Some basic knowledge of HTML is required for this course.

What am I going to get from this course?

Over 47 lectures and 3 hours of content!
Extensive, informative and interesting video lecture
Complete Code demonstrated in lecture
Lab Exercises
Lab Solution Sets
All Powerpoint Demonstrations Used in Course
Instructor contact Email for questions and clarifications
Coverage of all important primary Javascript concepts

What is the target audience?

Web Designers looking to improve their skill set
Programmers who need to learn Javascript for their web applications
People looking to start programming and need a first programming language to learn
Students who want to learn Javascript
People who manage a web site as a volunteer or as a hobby
Bloggers– even if you use WordPress or another CMS!
Anyone else who wants to learn Javascript Curriculum

About the Course Instructor/Developer:

LearnToProgram Media is a leading publisher of web, mobile, and game development courses that are used by over 500,000 people in 65 countries. LearnToProgram’s valuable network of technical resources includes content on YouTube, iTunes, and Roku, as well as books, free tutorials, and online courses. The company is based outside of Hartford, Connecticut.

The course costs $49, but through the blog, Udemy is providing a “scholarship” so we could all take it for only $10! Just input Touringkitty on the “Redeem a Coupon” button.

So, let’s be classmates online and take Javascript now! Visit this link and enroll now.