Touringkittyps: Five for the mom traveller

Travelling with your tot? Here are five things that never leave my bag.

First, what bag should you use? I have a big and lightweight bag where I can put both my kid’s and my stuff for the day.

Generic bag from the store that's got it all for you. Less than P500. Waterproof because it's plastic.
Generic bag from the store that’s got it all for you. Less than P500. Waterproof because it’s plastic.

I also have a nylon bag, a wee bit smaller but spacious. Waterproof as well.

Wonder what’s inside?

One of my current favourite things, the carabiner.
One of my current favourite things, the carabiner.

Carabin-what? A carabiner is a quick snapping metal hook. This is often used as keychain as you can easily hook it on your belt…slots? It’s called “sinturera” in Filipino but I don’t know its English equivalent!  I hook these on my bag’s metal loop. Much useful when I do the grocery alone with my child. Saves my hands from carrying all those bags in each of your fingers; you can just clip all at once and go.

Quench your thirst easily, anytime, anywhere.

This water bottle I always hook on my carabiner on my bag. Much, much easy to carry water for the little one. Choose one which is easy to clean as well.

Tissue and hand sanitizers do the trick always for me. The all-natural hand sanitizer I got from Mommy Patch called Little Contessa. Spritz onto your child’s hands and to toys, furniture, high chairs, before use. I often save tissue I get from restaurants or fast food chains for unexpected use.

Ring sling saves my back from further injury when carrying my big day bag and my preschooler, sometimes a couple of grocery bags. I got two ring slings from Next9 which I bought in a department store.

Eco-bags are such a great hit nowadays, especially that some cities are going eco-friendly by eliminating plastic. Often, when we buy stuff, they will be packed in huge brown bags without handles. So, ecobags definitely saves my day!

What are your mini-lifesavers? Sharing is caring!


~ Touringkitty

Touringkitty Travels: My first international trip

Ten years ago, five countries, three months, two categories in one choral competition.

It was my first international trip. First time to be away from family. First time to ride a plane. First time in Europe. First time to join an international choral competition. These many firsts I had the pleasure to share with about 20 people. We collectively call ourselves the Philippine Madrigal Singers, or Madz to the legions of choral fans it has gathered through the years.

The first time will always be the most memorable. And as I celebrate my ten years of traveling, I’d like to share highlights of it through this post.

Pre-departure: How I got into the semicircle

The Madz quartet exams is for me, one of the, if not, the toughest, exam there is. I can still remember the scene. We were waiting for our turn outside the Minihall of the UP College of Music. Paneling for that quartet exam were Sir Mark, Ma’am OA (Prof. Andrea Veneracion, Madz founder), and Anna Abeleda (now Piquero, a Madz alumna and sought-after conductor who just got off of the Madz circle at that time). We were all anxious, excited, nervous, while listening to the other singers inside. It was like American Idol, literally, where you will be critiqued after singing. Passing that exam was our golden ticket to the upcoming European tour.

If I could remember right, OA just told me to vocalize everyday. I felt even more nervous as I did not know if I passed or not. Luckily I did. And was cast to join the tour.

Homesickness is a serious sickness

The first timers were stricken by so much homesickness that we were always on the hunt for an internet connection or a phone booth to call home even for a few minutes in a week. I spent so much on calling and sending SMS and paying for internet just to update my mom, my sister, and my boyfriend (now my husband) on where I was. We’d cry over the Harana songs of the male section of the Madz during concerts. During concerts, yes. We terribly missed home!

The three of us were first time travelers. Enrico was the youngest among the group and I was the youngest among the females. That's how we were so excited to see snow for the first time in the Dolomiti mountains in Italy.
The three of us were first time travelers. Enrico was the youngest among the group and I was the youngest among the females. That’s how we were so excited to see snow for the first time in the Dolomiti mountains in Italy.

Preparing for the tour

Before we left Manila, our schedule got tighter and tighter. We just had to sing and sing together, that’s why. We would have performances and rehearsals almost everyday. This is also to prepare our bodies and voices for the upcoming trip–which was equally busy. Ma’am OA met us the day before we left Europe to share stories and give advice. We got to meet her again halfway during the tour, when she followed us in one of the stops in France, which was incidentally, on the day of her birthday.

Tough assignments for a first timer

I did not know I could play guitar until Sir Mark asked me to. I had to always practice while in Manila to prepare me for my international debut! Each concert was nerve-wracking because aside from playing guitar, Sir Mark also entrusted me the task of being the pitchgiver. But all these definitely boosted my confidence on stage.

Mission: accomplished!

We brought home the bacon! Two bacons, even. We won two first prizes in the 50th Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonia in Torrevieja, Spain. It was a big moment for the Madz, that we even got busier as we arrived Manila.

And the rest of the traveling story, as they say, is history.

This was one of the songs we sung for that competition. A tu lado by Javier Busto (a friend of the Madz) and Anton Mena. Such a simple and beautiful habanera which made us win first prizes in the Habanera and Polyphony categories of the competition.

If there was only one thing I regretted, I should have written all these down! I had a journal in 2006 which was still with me, but photos of each trip will suffice.

Will photo post on the next blog post!

Meanwhile, read more posts about my first time travel with the Madz here and here. All Madz related posts are here.



~ Touringkitty



Madz @ 50: The culmination of the golden year

The 50th year celebration of our beloved choir ends with a two-night concert this last weekend of June.

The closing concert begins a rebirth of what has been, and always will be, the Madz way.

Click on photo for details.
Click on photo for details.

The past year featured concerts, tours, performances, homecomings, among the current and the alumni members. Once again, we gather on stage to do what we have loved doing best–singing with the Madz.

The Madz et al family, joins the celebration, too. Participants of the recently concluded Madz et al Festival will be performing as well.

The Sing Philippines Youth Choir, a vision of our founder, Prof. Andrea Veneracion, shall sing for the first time this weekend. Gathered through auditions held the past year, in cooperation with the CCP Cultural Exchange Department, these choristers will be performing compositions by Madz resident arrangers Ily Matthew Maniano and Nilo Alcala.

Join and be part of the choral celebration that is the Madz! Here’s looking forward to the next 50 years of the Madz and beyond.

Check the Madz Facebook Page for ticket details.

~ Touringkitty

Let’s pray together!

Weekends have been always devoted to family. Saturdays for our daughter, unless we have work or other engagements. Sundays, especially, for church. That’s my Holy day.

And what better way to celebrate a wonderful week that was than with prayer!

So, join me and my family as we pray for you during the Sunday Mass. Message me via Facebook ( or email via contact(at)touringkitty(dot)com. Will gather them on Saturday night and offer them up to the Lord on Sunday during the Mass where I and my choir serve in (10:30am at the Shrine of Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life in Pasay City). If you will be at MOA area on Sundays, why not drop by the church and hear Mass there.

Every Thursday, I shall be posting videos at my Facebook page for your reflection. Let’s begin with this video, Esto Les Digo (This I say to you) by Kinley Lange as sung by us, the Philippine Madrigal Singers in 2007.

Let’s pray together. The Lord said: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20).

~ Touringkitty

Touringkitty sings and eats at the Luzviminda 2 of F1 Hotel Manila

A day before the country celebrated its 116th Independence Day, I sang with the Koro Madrigal, the alumni of the Philippine Madrigal Singers, for an event at F1 Hotel in BGC. All we knew back when the gig was announced was that we will be singing Filipino songs, and that it was a food festival.

Food and music. These two things are most loved by the Madz. Any member leaves the semicircle as a certified foodie. With all the international cuisines we’ve tasted during our travel, who would not become one? And so, we’re even happier to know that we will get to taste the food in this event.

The event is aptly called Luzviminda, a wordplay of the three major islands of the Philippines–Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. And as we further found out, the event featured three invited Filipino chefs dishing out the best of the islands. Plus, an art exhibit was inaugurated that same day, proceeds of its sales will go to Kythe Foundation.

We were asked to come early in the morning, and had breakfast. Buffet breakfast! Was not able to take photos of it though.

Here are some photos of the day:

Koro Madrigal on duty.
Koro Madrigal on duty. From early morning to early afternoon. Stuffed with wonderful singing and food. Yum!
The piano behind us. We were fascinated by its name. Teehee.
The piano behind us. We were fascinated by its name. Teehee.
This will greet you as you enter the F1 Hotel Restaurant. Outside is the pooldeck area.
This will greet you as you enter the F1 Hotel Restaurant. Outside is the pooldeck area.

For the Luzviminda event, three guest chefs were featured in their regional creations. Chef Tristan Encarnacion of Epicurious for Luzon, Chef Editha Singian of Pino Hotel Cebu for Visayas, and Chef Victor Barangan of Marco Polo Davao for Mindanao. Each chef brought authentic regional ingredients and recipes to Manila.

Here were the featured chefs of the event, F1 Hotel executives. Issa Litton hosted the event.
Here were the featured chefs of the event, F1 Hotel executives. Issa Litton hosted the event.

Of course, I did not miss my chance to take photos with them!

With Chef Tristan and Chef Victor.
With Chef Tristan and Chef Victor.
With Chef Editha. Now I realized I was not able to get a solo shot with Chef Sau!
With Chef Editha. Now I realized I was not able to get a solo shot with Chef Sau!
But we have, with the group, and some of F1 Hotel's executives.
But we have, with the group, and some of F1 Hotel’s executives. Chef Sau is the executive chef of the hotel.

To complement the yummy food, we rendered songs from the three major islands as guests entered in, before the program started, and as the buffet was opened to the guests. We sang some favourites like Paru-parong Bukid, Pasigin, Zamboanga Hermosa, and Tagumpay Nating Lahat. We got our chance to eat after our set.

So, what’s on the menu? Here you go. I was not able to take decent photos of the food, because we had to prepare to sing already! But here are the few that I took:

This greeted me as we entered the restaurant! I so wanted to dig in the dessert tables first!
This greeted me as we entered the restaurant! I so wanted to dig in the dessert tables first!
Can you say, TUUUUNNNNAAAAA? Seafood station.
Ensaladang Langka. I liked it!
Ensaladang Langka. I liked it! There’s the tuna again!
Bagnet. Dinuguan. Maki. Put them together and party in your mouth.
Bagnet. Dinuguan. Maki. Put them together and party in your mouth.
Tinapa maki. Yum!
Tinapa and salted egg maki. Yum!
Kanding sa Nangka. I liked this too.
Kanding sa Nangka. I liked this too.
Ube palitaw cooked on the spot. Topped with graham and choco chips. I thought that was muscovado sugar!
Ube palitaw cooked on the spot. Topped with graham and choco chips. I thought that was muscovado sugar!
Durian panna cotta. This was the best! Durian fan here.
Durian panna cotta. This was the best! Durian fan here.

Want to try it for yourself, too? You still have a few more days left! The special buffet runs until June 26 for P1,700 per person. It’s truly a feast for your senses. Check out F1 Hotel Manila on Facebook.


~ Touringkitty

Honoring the father of my child

Honor your father and your mother, so did the Fourth Commandment say.

Since it’s Fathers’ Day tomorrow, and to my child, he is the best father, it’s time to honor this man who was known as “Baton-ton.”


From pregnancy to birth, he made sure we’re both taken care of. He’s become a master of daughter-rearing, to think they were all boys in the family. He can do everything–feed, change diapers, give baths, spend the entire day alone with a very makulit preschooler. Except breastfeeding perhaps, but if only could, he definitely would.

The perfect latch. Not!
The perfect latch. Not!

They love being together, even if they have misunderstandings sometimes. They love playing silly. Yes, they may be father-daughter, but they treasure each other. My child has grown to be very thoughtful and very caring of people around her.


Has the wife been forgotten? No, not at all! I am at my happiest because we still are the same silly people in love like we were first in love 14 years ago (yes, if you were a long-time friend of any of us then you’d know our love story!).

Lately, I often shed tears of joy during our prayer time. He would ask me why and I tell him that my heart is brimming with happiness–having a loving husband and daughter, being surrounded by love from our families and friends, and allowing God to use us to glorify Him.

And so, to my beloved husband, Ton, thank you for being the best father to our daughter. Thank you for being the best husband. Thank you for being a good son, brother, and friend. Thank you for giving love without asking in return. Thank you for knowing more about breastfeeding sometimes more than I do! Thank you for supporting my advocacies, projects, and dreams. Thank you for making us feel royals!

We are happy that you are doing well in your career and you’ve gone back to aikido again. Aria and I will be here for you always, praying for you and loving you. We love you to the moon and back!



~ Touringkitty


P.S.: Thank you for letting me sleep in sometimes and preparing breakfast for us. You are so amazing! =)

Touringkitty Sings: Ready to propose? Why not sing it!

A few months back, I received a text message asking if our vocal group is available to sing for a wedding proposal. That was a first for me, since I have never had a client for that kind of event.

After some email exchanges with the contact person, finally, I got to meet her a month before the event. They have a videography service and they are set to capture the entire wedding proposal on video.

That is another first for me. I never encountered wedding proposal that will be videographed. That would be very special indeed.

I recall my husband’s proposal to me. Though we have been talking about getting married before he proposed, the actual proposal was still a surprise for me. We were on Doulos, a floating bookstore, then visiting the Philippines. We both love reading, and really, my husband knows me too well. It was just us, on one corner of the bookstore (it was where the cookbooks were, being foodies as well). He inserted a small paper with the question “Will you marry me?” on page 143. He showed the booked, I opened that bookmarked page, then he showed the ring and knelt. How could I say no to that!

Now we’re happily singing together forever in quite a number of events, including this wedding proposal gig. We were just four singers, a vocal group we call Perfect Blend.

The man for the hour was groom-to-be Stan and his girlfriend Rocel, who was totally clueless before that special day.

Two days before the actual proposal, the entire team met Stan for the first time. It was just email exchanges back then, as he is from India. With the help of the videography team and my singing team, we nailed the proposal the way he wanted. Stan specifically requested the song “Let it be me” by the Everly Brothers. I wrote a simple arrangement for back up quartet as Stan sings the solo.

Here’s how it went:

Thanks to Nicole Cruz and Bong Fernandez of Bong Videos (

Stan and Rocel, we wish you all the best as you prepare for your lifetime together!

Want a perfect blend for your next perfect event? Book Perfect Blend today! Email me at contact (at) touringkitty (dot) com or message me via Facebook


~ Touringkitty

Qualimed: Quality health services made affordable

As parents, healthcare is one of our top considerations when it comes to searching for quality yet affordable providers.

A new network of health care facilities in the country was introduced to mom bloggers a couple of weeks ago. Qualimed is set to fulfill the three As–Accessibility, Affordability, and Appropriateness–as they give the best service to its clients.

Qualimed has accessible locations all over the country. We visited one of their facilities inside the PGH compound.

Qualimed welcomed mommy bloggers to their event.
Qualimed welcomed mommy bloggers to their event.
If you remember the Faculty of Medical Arts Building at PGH, you will recall it once housed the UPMC or University Physicians Medical Center. It's now known as Qualimed.
UPMC or University Physicians Medical Center is now known as Qualimed.
The building is declared a National Heritage Site, that's why you can see the old structure outside and the modern facilities inside. Details, like this, are preserved.
The building is declared a National Heritage Site, that’s why you can see the old structure outside and the modern facilities inside. Details, like this, are preserved.
This was preserved as well.

First order of the day was a tour of the facility:

Lobby waiting area.
Lobby waiting area.
You get a number via their Smart Q machine. And you get to monitor if it's your turn already, even if you are in the cafeteria.
You get a number via their Smart Q machine. And you get to monitor your queue wherever you are, even in the cafeteria.

Their main service is providing quality primary care, but they have flagships in each of their facilities. In this case, the Manila branch’s flagship is their Surgery Center. The one opening in Iloilo will be a women and children’s center.

Here are some more facilities in the Manila branch:


Blood testing facility. The big one on the lift tests for thyroid problems. I can so relate because I used to have monthly blood tests for my hyperthyroid.
Blood testing facility. The big one on the lift tests for thyroid problems. I used to have monthly blood tests for my hyperthyroid and they can be really expensive. Their price is a little lower compared to where I had my blood tests.

CIMG0114Dr. Edwin Mercado of Mercado General Hospital, talked about their partnership with the Ayala Land, Inc. Together, they will provide Qualimed facilities in the next five years in strategic locations all over the Philippines.

Dr. Edwin Mercado talks about their hospitals and their partnership with Ayala Land.
Dr. Edwin Mercado talks about their hospitals and their partnership with Ayala Land.

Aside from low prices, Qualimed is also accredited by most HMOs, a good news for employees.

How low are their prices? It's this low!
How low are their prices? It’s this low!

With regard to the quality of service, Qualimed assures us that they have competent physicians, specialists, and nurses trained to provide appropriate prescriptions and sound medical advise to their patients.

Put them all together, and you will get quality healthcare service for you and your family.

Visit Qualimed facilities now and experience Alagang Abot-Kaya.

Operational Branches:
Daniel O. Mercado Medical Center (Tanauan, Batangas)
QualiMed Manila (Taft Avenue, Manila)
QualiMed Clinic in TriNoma (North Avenue, Quezon City)

Future locations:

QualiMed Clinic in Fairview Terraces in Novaliches, Quezon City (opening in 3Q 2014)
QualiMed Hospital in Iloilo (opening in 3Q 2014)
QualiMed Hospital in Sta. Rosa, Laguna (opening in 4Q 2015)
QualiMed Hospital in San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan (opening in 4Q 2015)

You may also visit their website or Facebook.


~ Touringkitty

Find your bliss in blogging

I started blogging four years ago (July 2010 to be exact), with the sole purpose of creating an online journal of my pregnancy.

I thought that was it. But I discovered so much about blogging by attending workshops, interacting with bloggers, and being more active in social media. It has been such a great time, not to mention a great responsibility curating and creating content.

Are you interested in creating your own voice online? You might be interested to attend this workshop:

Bring out the storyteller in you.
Bring out the storyteller in you.

Want to build a blog that you’ll love to create — and that others will find joy in reading? Then this workshop is for you.

Blissful Blogging 101 is a workshop on how to create a meaningful blog with a brand and a purpose. You will learn the key components that can help you —

  • Learn the art of “blissmaking” and writing in a way that attracts and engages readers while staying true to your beliefs;
  • Know and analyze the different types of blogs that are successful at getting readers & building a community;
  • Learn how to craft an Editorial Plan for at least a month to two months worth of blog posts, which will help guide you in creating the kinds of blog posts your blog will publish on a regular basis;
  • How to complete your blog-building through social media engagements, even your own events.
The Instructor:
Martine de Luna is the editor-in-chief and founder of the blog (formerly She has been blogging for five years, and has received awards for her blog ventures, including the 2011 Philippine Blog Award for Best Home & Parenting Blog, and the Little Steps Asia 2013 Best of Mom & Dad Blogs award from Little Steps Hong Kong. Today, Martine is also a freelance digital strategist who coaches women on how to position themselves authentically online, through blogging and social media.

Here’s what you’ll receive at the Workshop:

  • Worksheets, both printed & electronic versions
  • Workshop “editorialize your blog”: Create a blog mission, blog plan and offline strategy for your blog (Group work)
  • Food & drinks — Provided by Eats Happy! and The Juice Hut
  • Access to our exclusive Mastermind group on Facebook, where you can receive further tips on blogging and engage in a real community that will support your blog.


1:30 PM –  Welcome & Overview of the workshop

2:00 – Talk: What is Blissful Blogging?

3 PM – Workshop: Become the Editor in Chief of Your Blog (interactive workshop and group work; presentation). Food will be served during the session.

4:15 PM – Group presentations “My Blissful Blog”

5:00 PM – End

For information on how to sign up & pay, please visit or email today.

The School of Academics and Arts: Learning through the arts

TSAA integrates their lessons into arts activities.
TSAA is said to be the first school in the country to offer an Arts-Integrated Curriculum.

Last week, my daughter and I paid a visit to the The School of Academics and Arts. I was not able to make it to their bloggers’ event because I was out of town. I thank Ms. Dimples for arranging our visit.

We met Ms. Cherry Napala, the School Principal. I realized I was not able to take many photos, only because Ms. Cherry and I had so much to share about education and the arts! We talked while my daughter was outside with Cherry’s daughter, who was nice enough to play with the little one.

Aria spent much of her time in this playhouse outside.
Aria spent much of her time in this playhouse.

Here are a few pictures that I took:

As soon as we entered a room, she tinkered on the toys she saw. This was their Kinder Room.
As soon as we entered a room, Aria would examine the toys she saw. This is the Kinder Room.
One of their teachers decorating the bulletin board.
One of the teachers decorates the bulletin board. The tree was handpainted by one of them, too.


Notice the shape of their tables?

The school, Ms. Cherry explains, believes that the arts is the best tool for learning. Unlike other schools which offer arts and music programs only after school hours or during summer, TSAA uses the Arts-Integrated Curriculum, a proven method backed by research used in other countries. The arts is used as a vehicle for learning, so that every day, there are activities in music, arts, dance, and others integrated with their lessons.

The school is the brainchild of Audie Gemora, a known theater and musical actor, director, and producer, who envisioned the school as a home for academically and artistically inclined students. Other partners of the school include UP’s Dr. Evalyn Hizon, and music teacher Emmy Cayabyab (wife of Ryan Cayabyab).

Here are some salient points that Cherry shared with me:

1. We have both left and right brains, so why not use both in learning? It’s not only the left brain we should nurture through memorization and drills, but the right brain as well by enhancing creativity and imagination. Contrary to the belief that artists are not smart, Ms. Cherry and I both agreed that this is not true. Artists can excel in academics as well.

2. Arts education should start at a young age. Kids need a good, solid, and proper arts education foundation. It’s much harder to correct bad practices later on.

3. Arts education should not only be done during lazy summers, but the whole year round. In TSAA, the kids will do lots of arts activities as they learn. Just like any other habit, arts should be done regularly. In the case of TSAA, the children experience arts every day.

4. Arts education entails a certain kind of discipline, which can be used as one learns academic subjects. One needs hours rehearsing a certain piano piece or song, and a lot of focus and concentration. I started playing piano at age four, and the discipline of practicing piano has given me the same concentration I needed to study other academic subjects.

5. As parents, we need to invest in arts education. TSAA may be a little expensive than others, but they make learning more fun with arts activities as they learn other academic subjects. Is it not that we learned our ABCs using songs? In the same way, learning about other subjects can be made more fun and in a more creative way.

The students will be happy to know that TSAA does not give assignments. They believe in work-life balance, which is essential for the holistic growth of a child or an individual. School work remains at school so that the students can have more time to rest and bond with their family. I wish it was like that in schools and the workplace!

Their class size is very small, at about 10 students per class, which ensures individualized learning.

As for exams and grades, Cherry said that they have a different system of grading through practical assessment. They follow the K-12 Curriculum and abide by the grading system of the DepEd, only their manner of grading is suited according to each student.

TSAA teachers are trained to integrate arts into their lessons. I have observed schools in other countries and they have a strong foundation in music and arts education. TSAA tries to follow that model.

If you want your kids to be future artists, they offer after-school activities, too. Cherry showed me their music studio rooms:

Rooms are sound-proofed.
Rooms are sound-proofed.


I believe the arts is such a powerful tool for helping students to learn. With the ever dynamic world we have, families are looking for learning methods other than the traditional one for their children. TSAA is one option.

TSAA opened its doors in its new location at Davila Street, Makati City (near Shopwise Pasong Tamo). They offer programs for children as young as 1.8 years old. Visit their website, Facebook Page, email tsaa.makati(at)gmail(dot)com or call 0925.550.2766 to schedule a visit.


~ Touringkitty