Four Fathers

Today, I prayed for four fathers who mean the world to me. And here’s my quick thank you notes for them.

To my Papa. Thank you for giving us life. Yours was short but sweet, and we treasure each moment spent with you. We remember you as a good provider, good cook, ever supportive of our school programs, homeworks, piano recitals. We miss you everyday and we love you forever. You have a very beautiful and smart granddaughter and I know you’d be proud of her, too. I know you’re proud of me and my sister.

To my Lolo. Thank you for being my number one fan and for sharing my passion in classical music. I took it from you. Thank you most especially for walking me down the aisle with Mama. I remembered how I prayed hard when you were hospitalized a couple of weeks before my wedding day, because I so wanted you to witness and be with me in that most special day in my life. I’m happy that you and Lola are living happy and healthy, and I pray that God will give you the best of years to come.

To my Mama. Thank you for being mother and father to us. You are amazing because you never fail to acknowledge that God is helping you and Papa is guiding you. Thank you for supporting everything we are doing, even now that we’re both grown up. I know how much you love me and my sister, and how much more you love my daughter. I realized I can never be like you only because you’re one of a kind, but be assured that I’m doing my best to be the best mom for our little princess.

To my husband, my better half. I’d look back at our earlier years as friends more than ten years ago, and I can’t still believe you’d be the father of my child. Thank you for being a super dad to me and the little one. You’re doing a good job so keep it up. I pray that we would live long to see our children’s children.

And to all fathers, fathers-in-law (mine included), those bridging the gap, mother and father in one, and our Spiritual Fathers, Happy Fathers’ Day.


~ Touringkitty

We dated as if it was our first

As I stepped inside the taxi on my way home, I realized that it was actually a date.

After singing for a wedding engagement this rainy middle-of-the-week morning, my husband and I craved for burgers. So we went for a quick fix at Wendy’s.

Just the two of us. Yes, baby was left at home with my mom and our helper.

We enjoyed fifteen mintues of eating those sinful burgers and talking about things other than the baby. I ate the Bacon Mushroom Melt as if I’ve not eaten it for years!

I was a happier mom after that “date”. I texted my husband, who was on his way to work, thanking him that finally after nine months, we dated. He said we should do it again next time. A movie date sounds good. We might need a babysitter, though. Or bring the baby, perhaps.

~ Touringkitty

Sous-sous Chef Recommends: Oven Toaster Oatmeal Cookies

Last Christmas, my husband received a large paper canister of Quaker Oats. Not knowing what to do with it (because he doesn’t eat oatmeal that much and I avoided it due to baby reflux), I waited for the perfect time and opportunity to use it.

Hence, Oatmeal Cookies!

BUT I don’t have an oven, I got oven toaster, though.

So last weekend, I researched and found this link of an oven toaster oatmeal cookie recipe.


Ingredients: check!


My husband and I were struggling to put the sleepy baby to sleep. With her hearing us move around the kitchen, she had a hard time getting those zzzzs. I tried to give her food, breastfeed her, rock her, to no avail. Eventually she did, on her daddy’s chest. So we took turns in preparing the batter. He was my Sous Chef, and I was the Sous-sous Chef!


First batch for the picking!


I made a second batch this week in celebration of my daughter’s ninth month. My sister didn’t like cinnamon so I made a separate batch for her. I used choc-nut instead of cinnamon. I also experimented with local chocolate candy pieces (they have a new variety: Caramel Cookie).

This batch is surprisingly yummier because I lessened the sugar and used margarine instead of butter, and added more oatmeal!


Second batch with add-ons


My daughter enjoyed some of these treats as well. I baked it anyway, no preservatives added.
To my surprise, my milk supply increased! I usually hand express when I’m at home for the baby to get used drinking milk from a cup. After eating about two cookies upon waking up, I can express more than an ounce than the usual! I’ve been wanting to try mixing malunggay powder or just my malunggay supplement, Pro-Lacta to the cookie mix. Should try that one of these days.

Want some? 🙂


~ Touringkitty

No Facebook Week: The Aftermath

Today ends my one week sabbatical from my second most favorite vice (next to my family, of course) – Facebook. One word to describe the feeling of not browsing my account: LIBERATING!

It’s such a tiny little world out there on Facebook that I have forgotten it’s not the only website that ever existed. The past week made me browse blogs, updated my own blog theme (still on the process of making a customized masthead), and baking oatmeal cookies using our oven toaster! Will post about it later.

Internet time has been cut in half, or more than half, and I have learned to turn off the wireless connection of my laptop when I don’t need it. Saves up battery life, I must say. I was able to finish church work and choral arrangements, and got more ideas on how to work with baby in tow.

The No Facebook Week gave me time to take a closer look at my daughter. She’s teething so she needed all the soothing and calming because she is just too fussy. Tooth number five came out the other day. She’s learned walking around her crib and crawling so fast on the bed so I’ve been taking pictures and videos here and there. We take naps together and wake up together. I don’t rush anymore to turn on the computer when she’s asleep.

I now conclude that I can live without Facebook. But hey, I activated it for three reasons:

One, I’d still post pictures and videos of my daughter for my family overseas. I know they want to see my daughter grow even if they’re miles away.

Two, I’d keep in touch with people who really matter. You know who you are.

Three, I’d still help encourage breastfeeding. This has been an advocacy for me. Some might be offended and I do apologize. But I hope that when you take a look at how my baby is after nine months, I hope I can change your mind.

~ Touringkitty

Nine Months

Today, I silently celebrate in this blog post.

Nine months of motherhood.

Nine months of breastfeeding.

Nine months of selflessness.

Nine months of giving baths, dressing up, changing pooped diapers, singing lullabies, rocking a baby to sleep.

Nine months of cuddling and kissing this beautiful creature that has my genes (actually more of my husband’s).

Nine months of discovery, learning, recording milestones, picture taking.

Nine months of newfound love.

Nine months of waking up everyday thanking the Lord for this wonderful gift.

It has been the best eighteen months (counting also the past nine of my pregnancy) of my life. And I look forward to many more months and years with the family God has blessed me with.

Happy nine months, sweetie! The whole family loves you very much.

~ Touringkitty

No Facebook Week

For those who are wondering, I deactivated my Facebook account since yesterday. It’s sort of a self-punishment for being curious (and stupid!) for clicking a link and actually spreading a javascript spam. So for those who received it, I apologize.

Anyway, I also found this perfect opportunity to assess my internet life. I have deactivated my account and will return after a week. If I can stretch it longer, the better.

Yes, I admit that I live with this technology. I spend almost the whole day updating my status, posting pictures of my daughter who had learned a new trick, commenting on my friend’s photos and all that. Sum it all up and I spend a total of at least five hours a day, with half of it on Facebook. If I can’t sleep at night, I’d spend an extra hour lurking on the news feed. I can’t believe I enjoyed talking to a wall expecting to talk back to you through the comments of your friends. Honestly, 1/4 of them I don’t really know personally, but because of a group I once belonged to I’m “expected” to accept them. Not good, eh?

But on a positive note, I have gained a lot from Facebook and from the internet in general. I found and reconnected with old friends, I get inquiries for voice and piano lessons and singing engagements, researched about breastfeeding and other baby care stuff, and I am able to write for pleasure (this blog) and for income (through several writing assignments). I also research music which I use for my choral arrangements and was able to download a free music writing software where I can freely work on my scores (visit to download). I ask my friends (and strangers through yahoogroups and various mommy-related fanpages and the blog carnival) for tips on taking care of the baby and give advice as well.

Facebook is a lifestyle for me, another way of channeling my stress, frustration, and joys over this little girl who was once so fragile to hold, and now is spinning like a tornado. The whole world (or at least those in my friends list) saw my baby grow, and I’ve allowed these people to be with us in this wonderful moment.

But it has gone overboard. It became a business and destructive at the same time. If not spam messages, people will tag you to sell their products or do marketing. Ugh, I just hate spammers!

So I do hope you’ll help me in this experiment. One whole week of no Facebook. But I still have to use the internet, though, as my friends abroad need to contact me and vice versa. For that, I’ll overhaul my blog theme and official website ( and maybe create a new logo or masthead (yes, I love blogging already!). I shall also finish pending arrangements and create new ones.

Update you about this no Facebook thing next week, Thursday. Good luck to me!

~ Touringkitty

I am rich

From this…


To this!


And she never fails to bring in the sunshine even when there’s rain.

The past nine months have been filled with joy, tears, laughter, and love. Milestone after milestone, the whole family witnessed and cheered for this small wonder. And we’re just truly blessed.

I can now declare I am rich!

Not with wealth but with good health. Not with late night outs with friends but with evenings of cuddling and laughing with my husband and daughter.

And I shall wake up tomorrow praising God for another day to live this wonderful life He gave me. I hope you’ll be blessed as well with even the littlest things God bestowed upon you.

~ Touringkitty

Aria’s Habits While Breastfeeding

“Welcome to the Milk Mama Diaries Carnival (May).  This carnival is dedicated to all moms, celebrating Mother’s Day today.  Participants will share various topics covering A Breastfeeding Mother’s Top Ten List.  Please scroll down to the end of this post and check out the other carnival participants.”
With all the stresses I’ve been experiencing the past weeks — daily Aria rituals (cooking and preparing her food, bathing her, playing with her, putting her to those precious and hard-to-achieve naps and bedtime), pumping milk thrice a week, part-time work in and out of home, et cetera, I deserve a good laugh trip.

Unfortunately, it had to be Aria, who else.

During the course of my eight-month breastfeeding experience (and we are not stopping anytime soon!), I have curiously taken note of how my daughter nursed. She’s nursed in different positions, occasions, schedules, and places.

I listed Aria’s ten habits while breastfeeding (in no particular order). Let some of the pictures tell the story.

Oh, and before I forget, Happy Mothers’ Day to all the mothers. Yey, mommies truly rock!

1. She nurses while she’s crying, as if she hasn’t nursed for a really looooong time (even if it was really just five minutes ago!) She talks (or mumbles) while she breastfeeds. This baby is amazingly talkative. And she has been squealing a lot lately. Add to that, she’s teething (she’s got two teeth on her lower gumline already) so imagine how she talks while she feeds. Ouch!

2. She listens to whoever is talking while she nurses. Or to whatever new sound she might hear — a new voice, utensils falling, door banging, car horns, sirens, helicopters. Did I tell you she’s very “chismosa?”

3. She nurses on her tummy, especially when she has a hard time to sleep.

Her newest trick

4. She jumps out of my breast to watch TV, especially when she hears the closing credits music (yes, CLOSING CREDITS MUSIC) of her favorite cartoons – Little Einsteins, Angelina Ballerina, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves and laughs while watching the scrolling text that goes with the music.

5. She loves to scratches whatever is at hand, like my breasts, her other arm, or my underarm.

She loves scratching my underarm

6. She raises her hand like Hitler. I can’t understand why.

7. She would nurse for a few minutes and jump off me onto the bed because she’s about to sleep.

8. Or she would nurse for up to one and a half hour while we’re both napping, and when she senses that I opened my eyes, she would, too.

9. She holds her feet way up high.

10. She looks at me as if she’s saying, “Thank you, Mommy, for the sweet yummy milk.”

And smile after she’s content with the milk she just drank.

Oh, how I love my little Energizer Bunny. Hope you also have a yummy milky breastfeeding experience.

My hubby joined the carnival, too! I’m super proud. He’s the only daddy who joined 🙂

Other posts from fab mommies below.

Wear my baby I shall

It was a Sunny Saturday and we’re off to Starbucks Bonifacio Global City for a Babywearing Meet.

I encouraged my hubby to bring me there because we have a ring sling and we don’t know how to use it. So, even if it’s super out of our way and we don’t have a car, we took a cab and took that road less traveled.

Babywearing is using cloth or a similar material that you wrap around your body so mommies won’t have that hard a time carrying their babies. It’s a lifesaver indeed.

The meeting was organized by some members of the yahoogroup I belong to: Newlyweds At Work. It’s a group wherein “graduates” of wedding planning from the Weddings At Work group exchange newlywed stories, mommy stuff, and other chika.

I have the ring sling from Next 9. Bought this at SM Mall of Asia and this was the only print available:

Aria at three months. The saleslady really didn't know how to thread so we were really nervous. But she slept in there anyway.


But because of our lack of knowledge in using (and fear of using it), it ended up like this:

Whose idea? You guessed it right -- Nonna's 🙂

During the Babywear Meet, we were introduced to a bajillion types of slings and carriers and were taught how to use it. The most important with the ring sling is the threading:

We're doing it right this time, baby
Ms. Abbie trying to put the malikot girl in her sling. On the background is Ms. Benz, the brains behind W@W and N@W

Finally, after that hour and a half of demo and talk, I was babywearing Aria as we strolled Bonifacio High Street! She even slept while we’re browsing books at Fully Booked.

The sling is duyan no more!

The sling is a good alternative to strollers. Had I mastered using this, I would not have De Quervain’s anymore.

It was an enjoyable talk with the mommies and their babies. I really hope it would have a part two!

Happy Babywearing, everyone!

~ Touringkitty

Good real deals with Groupon

I said I would not believe until I’ve used one.

Ah, finally!

This was my first Groupon purchase – a P450 voucher for a haircut, hot oil, back and scalp massage, and eyebrow threading at David’s Salon. Imagine that!

So after my final therapy session we went straight to the salon – at the SM Hypermarket Adriatico branch. Aria was with me and so my mom and our helper took her around the mini-mall. She tried on this trike:

Daddy, I want this! It has George's cousin in it!


After a few minutes of “me time”, I looked like this:

I don't look like my daughter's yaya anymore.

Groupon works by offering discount vouchers which should be purchased by a certain number of buyers. For example: the deal of the day is this:

Half Off on a mani-pedi at The Nail Boutique and Cafe –

You wait at the end of the day if the deal is on, then they will send you a confirmation email with the voucher that you can just print and use. That simple. I did not want to recommend unless I used it myself. And it’s worth it. I also got another deal for a photo session which is perfect for my daughter’s pictorial.

But warning: this may cause Groupon anxiety. This is the case presented by The Economist. Follow this link:

Anyway, I was happy to have gotten this me time through Groupon. Full time moms also deserve me time, right?


~ Touringkitty